Colds part 2.
Michael Schwartz
Mission-Driven Naturopath Creates Effective Naturopathic Programs & Formulates Supplements to Address Health Concerns
ACHY BODY: Depending on the severity of your cold and often with the flu, you will develop body aches, usually in the joints. There are many reasons why the joints ache. The joints or areas of flexibility, and joints are indicative of having an unyielding or unbending attitude about what is occurring, either mentally or environmentally. If you have a stiff joints during a cold or flu, take some time to examine the concepts within yourself that would promote stiffness. Remember that stiffness can also indicate unwillingness on your part to change, which might stem from a fear that change will put you at some disadvantage.
CONGESTION: another aspect of a cold and flu is congestion. Regardless of the source congestion is symbolic of an internal attack on your ability to cope with a situation that requires self-confidence and a spiritual level.
WATERY EYES: Why do the ice water during a cold or flu? The standard perception is that it is because the eyes are irritated from the bacteria, etc. The more germane question here centers around the symbology of the eyes.
The eyes are your windows to the world. “For those who have eyes to see” is a Universal Teaching which explains that clear vision is the goal of true perception. How do you see your self, your future? What is the belief system through which your world and life are filtered? If watery eyes plague you during a cold or at any time, reflect on what it is you do not want to see or may not be seen clearly: do your concepts reflect or refract reality?
If you have a condition and want to understand the emotional cause then download the Disease Symbology Handbook, it’s free at
Have a great weekend.