ColdFusion DevOps Explained (Faster and Easier Development)
Michaela Light
Expert ColdFusion help for CIOs | CF Maintain, Modernize, Develop, Secure | CF Alive podcast | Author | Speaker | CEO
In this article, we’ll explore:
- Why CIOs should adopt the ColdFusion DevOps model.
- How to customize ColdFusion DevOps to fit your team.
- The tools you must use for ColdFusion DevOps.
Let’s talk about it!
Does your IT department work in unison? Or isolation?
In my work as a ColdFusion consultant, I’ve seen CIOs start the app creation process by separating their teams into “development” and “operations” groups, with each working separate from the other. Then, when all the groups finish, they’re forced to reconcile any misalignments preventing their app from functioning.
And it drives me nuts! There’s a better way!
One which lets your teams work in tandem and help each other during the process. It’s called “DevOps”, and it’ll change the way your IT department creates and fixes apps.
Why CIOs should adopt the ColdFusion DevOps model
I’ve spoken to many CIOs who lamented the time it took to launch a new app. And among my first questions is, “Well, did you follow the DevOps model?”
The answer? Almost always, “No.” Followed by a pause then, “What is that?”
DevOps is easily the biggest speed boost your app development process can get. Many developers cherish their precious coding tricks and workflow efficiencies. Those all have value. From a CIOs perspective though, a well-tuned team trumps nearly all the nifty coding tricks and shortcuts you can imagine.
That’s what DevOps does — it harmonizes a group of disparate people into one unit working together.
Here are just some of the benefits of the DevOps model:
- It helps your IT team work as a unit, rather than a collection of individuals.
- Greater productivity, for both the CIO and his or her developers.
- It makes your apps scalable and easier to work on.
- DevOps speeds up the app creation process, especially for new developers just onboarding with the team.
- Your company can test apps and new code in a safe, consequence-free environment.
- It uses fewer resources by sharing kernels instead of hogging a server. (Your ColdFusion apps launch faster.)
With these benefits, you’d be a darn fool not to implement the DevOps model with your team.
How to customize ColdFusion DevOps to fit your team
Often, “productivity solutions” don’t exactly scale. For example, I’ve seen Slack groups go from empty, to crowded and productive, to larded up with too many members, only for everyone to back out and give up.
That’s because these ideas often introduce entirely new modes of work and lingo which only confuse employees.
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