Cold storage refers to a storage facility – usually, a large warehouse that can be temperature-controlled so that perishable goods like dairy, proteins, frozen foods, fresh produce, etc., can be stored in a way that extends their shelf life.
One of the great benefits of using a cold storage is that the low temperature helps in lowering the rate of chemical changes and growth of microorganism enzymes in foods. In simple words, the rate of food spoiling is lowered down to a great extent.
The working fluid used in cold storage to cool low-temperature chambers and throw heat into high-temperature environments is refrigerant. So far refrigerant used in cold storage is Hydrochloroflourocarbons (HCFC) that is R-22.
a modified vapor-compression refrigeration cycle with cold storage was proposed for applications in freezers. In the cycle, the phase change material (PCM) based cold storage is used to increase the subcooling degree for cycle performance enhancement.dry storage is for 'dry' foods that have a long shelf-life and can be kept at room temperature, such as flour, tea, coffee, dried pasta, sugar, canned food, biscuits, rice and other uncooked grains. cold storage is for foods that must be kept in the refrigerator or cool room below 5 °C.