Cold Sales Call verses a Warm Sales Call, don’t go in blindfolded. !

Cold Sales Call verses a Warm Sales Call, don’t go in blindfolded. !

The simple answer is that one is scheduled, and the other is not.

Some may add that in a warm call the recipient may be aware of the person calling and the reason for the call, usually in the form of a referral.

Some may add that one can “warm up” a call by doing research and having something relatable for the recipient, so they don’t blow you off as quick.

But the reality is that the difference is in your head.

Any unscheduled call, be it from a referral or from an overly informed rep, is an interruption.

That’s why I tell people that I work with to reorient how they think about their work.

If you are calling people who do not have a call scheduled in their calendar, you are interrupting them – next time someone asks you what you do for a living, I want you to say with great pride –?“I am a professional interrupter; I interrupt people in the process of helping them achieve their objectives and delivering positive impact on their business.”

The challenge for most sales people, and the reason the call leaves them feeling cold, is that they are unprepared for the series of events and reactions their interruption sets into process.

After having research the company in an effort to warm the call, they figure that they have something relevant to say, and fail to take into account the interruption.

So they wax poetic, all the while the prospect is thinking “how can I get back to work”.

This is just compounded when they are usually talking about “solutions”.?Given that 70% or more of the market is not looking for a solution, the interruption just seems worse when they deem the message to be irrelevant.

Add to this that they have heard this same approach a thousand times before.

So what can you do, focus on Objectives, not pains or needs; every business has objectives, align with those, and you’ll go from an irritating interruption, to an interruption with possibilities.

Yet few research, they continue to research for problems some may have that fit their solution, rather than the other way around.

You want the reaction to be “I was thinking about this”, not “WTF is this guy talking about”, leading to a click or objection.

When the objection comes, most sales people take the rejection personally.?

After all, they spent all this time researching the company, the person, and god knows what else, and at the moment of interruption, it seems all for not.

As soon as it is personal, people get defensive, and it’s all downhill from there.

Managing and overcoming objections on a cold call starts long before they come up in the call. We interrupt, that triggers specific reaction. As before, if the initial narrative was a “solution” based intro, most reps defend and double down on that narrative, thus accelerating their fate.?

But if the intro was based on Objectives, doubling down on those allows you to expand your potential value rather than limit it.

If you can accept that you are an interruption, and focus on objectives and impacts, you will be in a position to manage and take away objections, and move towards a conversation –?a sales conversation about their objectives, not pains, needs or solutions.

Sales objections are a fact of any salesperson’s life.

Buyers have become more and more discerning than ever which makes it more challenging to any seller. There are, however, some objections which have become ‘common’ that a quick salesperson should identify and address with ease.

‘Managing and overcoming objections on a cold call starts long before they come up in the call,’ hence a salesperson should get himself ready and be expectant in all the cold calls and cold emails he will make for the day.

You just have to keep going.

These rejections are roadblocks that stand between you and your customer. When managed properly, you might just successfully turn than objection into a warm conversation, eventually leading to a sale you’ve always been targeting for. :-)

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