COLD LEMONADE - dark, absurd short story

COLD LEMONADE - dark, absurd short story

COLD LEMONADE - dark, absurd short story?

Special thanks to Denise Scholander for translation!

Strong, scorching sun. Hell of a July heat. Empty streets and blinded houses.?One of them has a flag.?Life is boiling inside ...Ordinary living room.?

The mother irons on the board.??

The father watches television carelessly.?

The little boy is sitting on the floor watching the mother.?She smiles at him, friendly.?The family looks happy.?

–There are terrible solar flares today!?They say people went crazy with them.?"Don't go out at noon so you don't go crazy," says the mother anxiously.

-Does not matter!?The universe will continue to expand ... - the child mutters.

His mother looks at him sternly.

-Behave yourself.

It is silent for a moment.

-Mom, mom, I really like cold lemonade ...

-She stops ironing.?The father looks at him, too, as if anticipating something.

-Where will you get it from?

-From the man outside with the caravan.?I talked to him yesterday.?He travels and sells lemonade.?He won't be here tomorrow.?He was leaving.

-Okay, did you ask him how much a lemonade costs?

-Yes.?He said it's different for everyone ... and ... for me ...

-How much or what is it for you??- The mother raises her eyebrows anxiously.

- He said it would cost ... my father's death ...

A moment of silence.

-Wow! -?exclaims the surprised father.?-It won't happen!

-But, mom, I am very thirsty in this heat! And tomorrow he will be gone forever and I will never taste his lemonade!??

Brief silence.

-Mom, won't this be a tragedy! This is a real separation.?Like the heavy love affairs ... you read me stories about.

His mother looks at him, confused.

-And now what ... I have to die so that our spoiled boy can drink lemonade, because he wants to drink, right - the father snaps.

His mother looks at him.

-Honey, everyone dies anyway!??

-Now or in 30-40 years ... does it matter so much!?- And the child is thirsty now! Don't make him unhappy.??

Brief silence.

-You know that the meaning of life is in the beauty of the present moment!

The father thought, visibly annoyed.

-Okay!?But you buy the lemonade and come back here right away. It is very hot and I am afraid that if you stay outside in this heat you will go crazy!

The child gets up, goes to his father and hugs him.

-Thank you, Dad!?Maybe we'll see each other beyond!

-Things are not always as we remember them!?- says the eternal leader - the father, then hugs him.

He looks at his wife and winks at her. She smiles. Then he gets up, makes a strange gesture with his hand and says:

?-So be it.

His dead body collapses on the couch.

?An endless and frozen moment in the valley of death, before the mother spoke again ...

-Well ... did the lemonade seller tell you how you would show him your father's death ...?Hardly will he want to leave his caravan and get here. People always save themselves the extra effort. That's the human ego, she says.

-Yes mom!?He says he can guess absolutely everything by eye!

-Very bold statement!?Apparently he doesn't lack self-confidence - says the mother, a little surprised and continues to iron.?

The father has cooled down on the couch with a slight smile on his face.

The child is obsessed with happiness.??

He raises his hands and rejoices.?

He runs, opens the door and leaves.?

It is bound in the bright, scorching light of the sun, from which life comes and all its consequences.?

But without realizing it, there was still a little pain left in him, from the loss of his father.??

A pain he will remember over the years ... But now is the time to experience his childhood happiness.

In a moment he is in front of the caravan of the lemonade seller.??

He is an ancient man with rough facial features.

He has a strange earring on his ear.

?-One cold lemonade, please!?- says the child happily.

?The salesman looks at him suspiciously.

?-I can pay the price!

?He looks very carefully into his eyes with his deep eyes ...

?After a moment he smiles and hands the child a large cardboard box of cold lemonade.?

The child takes it and drinks it smoothly.??

The iced drink pierces his chest pleasantly.

-Thanks! - says, and walking back through the deadly sun.??

He stops in a moment.?

Something went out of the corner of his eye.??

An inscription on the sides of the caravan.?It says…

The child returns home like a prodigal son, walks past his father's dead body in the armchair and approaches his mother.??

His eyes widen!

-Mom ...!?Why you're naked ... - it exclaims!

She tries to ignore him and says, a little embarrassed.

-Just drink your lemonade.

The child looks at his father's dead body on the couch again.??

He imagines the effort of having him lowered into the basement a little later, where he can be burned in the furnace, just like the others.?

His face frowns for a moment.??

Then he looks at his mother's bare breasts.?

He strokes their nipples with his eyes.?

The lemonade is almost done, but there is still a little in the deep cardboard box.??

He pulls with pleasure from the straw...Then he opens his mouth, smiles and his eyes glaze over in sweet euphoria.??

This is the most delicious lemonade in his life. Unwillingly, he remembers the inscription on the seller's caravan, with ancient features.?

It was written there in crooked letters:

?"The greatest trauma in a person's life is his birth. And although it moves most of our existence, none of us remember it consciously, which creates the illusion that we are happy."

Alexandar Tomov - junior

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