COLD AS ICE- english version
paolo zambianchi
Corporate HSE Culture, Projects and Training Coordinator; Brand Ambassador
(the best reading experience is by reading it while listening to the song COLD AS ICE by Foreigner)
“It's only October but it's already very cold” This is the thought that crosses Brian's mind as he closes the service entrance door of Rogers Arena.
"Cold as Ice"
The Foreigner song comes to mind as he realizes that, having his arms full of hockey sticks, he didn't have time to close his jacket.
“are you willing to sacrifice our love” Brian hums as he sets up the clubs in the locker room. “Yes”, he thinks, “all this work has led me to sacrifice many things, I never have time for anything, not even for myself”. He enters the stadium, where there are starting to be some spectators, to check that there is everything needed on the benches. A stadium attendant tells him something about the helmets but Brian is too anxious about the game to listen. He notices a player on the opposing team stretching. Their eyes meet, seeing him sad, the player greets him but he is too angry about the new uniforms, which seem to be the wrong color to realize it. He nervously moves the chart boards while one of the assistant coaches tells him that the new uniforms are perfect but he doesn't seem to hear him. She seems to want to reassure him because she sees him worried, but Brian has other things to think about. “You never take advice”
Brian has always done his own thing and he believes that this is one of the reasons why he has managed to make a career, coming to realize a dream of his: that of being part of the staff of the hockey team of his city, which he supported since he was a child, the Vancouver Canucks. He gave all himself for this, remaining cold as ice, sacrificing everything and never taking advice. Brian believes this is the recipe for success. Brian believes this is what allows him to achieve the best for himself and others.
“One day you will pay the price, I know it”
The Foreigner song continues to buzz in his head and the words almost seem like a warning: watch out Brian!
"I've seen it before, it happens all the time"
Many before him had warned him: Brian, by doing this you will cause scorched earth around you
“If you close the door you leave the world behind”
And he actually can't deny that this job is depriving him of everything, but it's also bringing him success.
“You're digging for gold”
Although this success has a very high price to pay
“You're throwing away a fortune in feelings”
He feels fulfilled like this, and believes it is the right thing to do, even if a little voice deep inside himself tells him
“but someday you'll pay”.
But maybe it's just the words of that song, which doesn't seem to want to go away. By now the stadium is practically full and the match is about to begin. Brian sits on the bench, behind the players, last in line. Behind him only the plexiglass that divides those who have made it from those who are only there as spectators. A transparent wall that divides those who act from those who look. At a certain point that wall seems to collapse. Because Brian, after hearing many shots coming from that wall, turns and finally reads the sign that Nadia, a medical student, is holding. On the sign, written in pen, there is an invitation to Brian to get a mole checked that she, looking at him from behind, had noticed on his neck. It seems like a suspicious mole. Brian had noticed this a while ago, but figured it wasn't worth spending time on himself. However, in Nadia's eyes he sees the sincere desire to do something for him. Much more than he wants to do for himself. He decides not to leave that appeal unheard and a few days later he goes to a specialist who confirms that that choice saved his life. Nadia decided to break that wall and take action. Brian, who had sacrificed his well-being for too long, decides to dedicate some time to himself. And perhaps Nadia's lesson is a lesson we can learn. And perhaps by reflecting on Brian and what probably went through his mind, we can learn.
If you don't know the story and want to see the faces of Brian and Nadia, as well as know the story in detail, here is an article: