The Cold Hard Truth About The Coaching Industry (from a marketer for coaches)

The Cold Hard Truth About The Coaching Industry (from a marketer for coaches)

I am coming to you today with some real truth biscuits. Some that might not be easy for everyone to swallow. 

But rest assured, if you are a coach starting a business, or thinking about being one, or indeed if you've been in the industry a while and are starting to see some clients coming in, there is definitely hope that you can make a long term success with your coaching business.

The first thing that is an absolute must to your success is that you must be moving from the Spirit of Service, and are not merely doing this for the 6 figure income that you've been promised.

If you are only motivated by money, then this article is not for you.


Most Coaching Businesses FAIL because people BELIEVE that it’s an easy number. 

It might seem easy to get 10 clients a year who will pay you a minimum of $500 per month, but the reality is, it's a struggle for most coaches to get a couple of clients, and keep them.

We've been mislead by the NOISEY marketing out there.

You just need to take one look at all of the adverts that pop up on your Facebook newsfeed to see how you can download any FREE GUIDE that will show you the “exact steps I used to create a 6 figure coaching business in 6 months” or “ my secret sauce to a successful coaching business and millionaire lifestyle in just 1 year”

We literally have placed guns to our heads about how much we should make and how long it should take. And for many, they have quit their day jobs too. I know I did when I started coaching, and the pressure to make money becomes the predominant factor to why we are doing the job at all. It overshadows our call to being of service.


Most coaches become DISCOURAGED when their marketing efforts don't work fast enough

Many give up or try something new, as soon as there is a sniff of, “this is not working” and end up somewhat ‘starting all over again’ over and over and over again…

Stick with something for a while. You need to become bulletproof to negative comments on Facebook, or zero likes. Just because no one engages in your blog post, doesn't mean your business is doomed to fail!

Marketing works for those who see it through to the end!

Get an idea...

Test it out...

Get another idea...

Test it out...

Eventually, (and in some cases immediately) you will find the message that resonates most with your audience and that will start getting you the bookings coming in.


Most coaches don’t actually make any money from their “businesses” in the first few months to a year, and so it is NOT a business but merely a hobby.

A lot of them quit their day job, and this puts added pressure on them to be making money, ironically making selling more difficult and prospects “smell” the disparate for money vibe, over the spirit of service vibe that we should be offering

Keep your day job, get a part-time job or get your other half to work more hours to give you space to work from a place of service. It takes time to follow wisdom and it only guides us step by step. Your story will unfold and your business will work when you move from the spirit of service, and not from the need to pay your rent.


Most Coaches are spending too much time and/or money on marketing

The marketing required by a coach, especially those starting out in their first year or 5, needs to be SIMPLE.

Complicated funnels, long automated email sequences, long sales pages, perfect copy and even websites are NOT necessary to get you clients. They will only eat into your time or burn a hole in your pocket.

Start with low hanging fruit, keep it simple and when you get some clients, then invest in some marketing, IF you still need it.


Not enough coaches are offering Face to Face coaching locally anymore.

We all get it, you want to stay home and work in your pyjamas. It's easy, right? But the reality is you will increase your business exponentially if you show up in person, locally.

The level of intimacy you can offer in person over online, even by live video is so much more attractive to anyone who will want to work with you!

Do yourself a big favour and offer coaching (even at a lower rate if necessary) to your local community. Get some clients, and work on your online presence in the background.


Most Coaches have gotten so consumed and overshadowed by the "how to" of business, that they have lost touch with the spirit of service, and the voice of wisdom that guided them to the profession in the first place.

Enough said already! You should be coaching, not marketing!

Provide content

Have someone share it for you, or do it yourself if you have the time and enjoy it.

Do your own "sales" calls

Work with your clients

Enjoy your life-as a coach, you need to be in the flow to get fresh insights

That's the job of a coach! SIMPLE


Most coaches are selling "smoke", and smoke doesn't sell.

Selling coaching is not really something that people will buy. This is a reality check coming from a marketer. Yes, other coaches will get what you do and perhaps buy, or some bigger corporations and leaders who value coaching, but the regular folk generally don't get what you do enough to want to pay you a large some of money to get intangible results.

Having an area that you are an expert at will help you to sell. People will come for your amazing business organisation skills, but stay for your fabulous coaching skills

People will be attracted to the websites that you create as a graphic designer, but will stay for the spiritual alignment of that website due to the coaching you do for them around finding their life purpose.

Figure out what else you are good at and sell that! Then coach people around it.


Most coaches are burning out, and putting far too much focus on their business rather than on life

When coaches start out, they have a dream to help people. We are caring people! But how can we help others and make an impact, when we have our heads in computers all day, and are worn out doing the job of 5 people in our businesses?

Focussing on LIFE and the pleasures it brings is very important to being a coach. We need to show up to our clients centred, so that we can access wisdom to be able to guide our clients.

We need to create SPACE in our own lives, so that we can hear the voice of wisdom as our guide for ourselves and our clients.

If we are all frazzled, and overwhelmed each time we get on a call, or do a livestream, our clients will not only sense it, but you won't impact them in the way that you potentially can.

It might seem counterintuitive (only because we have been conditioned to believe we need to hustle, and work hard to make a living), but spending our days with our children, family, in nature, cooking our own food, doing the things we love, should take priority over figuring out how to track leads, work Facebook ads, or writing sales pages!

These things can be outsourced, and while it may cost you, if you make a deeper impact, you will reap the rewards with amazing client praise, testimonials and referrals.


A coach doesn't have to have a coach

There is definitely no harm is having a coach to get you started. Certainly a business coach or marketing coach will help you to get your business up and running but as a coach, let's face it you know how much coaches charge, and to have a coach long term can often end of doing two things

  1. you end up copying your coach and doing exactly what he or she is doing, which means you don't really develop your art and style as a coach
  2. you keep reinvesting the money that you finally take into your business back into coaching! Coaches are keeping other coaches business (barely) going!

Start to TRUST yourself and what you are capable of. Wisdom will guide you and point you in the right direction


Most coaches only measure their success in $$$

If money is your only measure of success, you are in the wrong industry! And you'd be well advised to go sell beer to alcoholics or ice to eskimos! (only joking)

It's not to say that you cannot make 6 figures or 7 figures or even 11 figures! Some coaches do create that amount of financial success.

But it's not all about the money when it comes to coaching.

Being a coach requires you to help people TRANSFORM their LIVES!

That is a HUGE responsibility.

And many people have invested thousands of dollars in this kind of support.

Here are some other ways you can measure success:

  • You get to help people
  • You make a big impact on their lives
  • You get to wake up every morning to do a job you love, that doesn't even feel like work
  • You get lots of free time to spend enjoying your life, your family, and having freedom to do the things you love
  • As you are coaching others, you are also coaching yourself and constantly reminding yourself of what you need in that moment
  • You can create a lifestyle around your business, such as moving to a better location, spending more time with your family, travelling or retiring your husband
  • Your moods become more stable and you are a nicer person for you, those you love and your clients to be around
  • You are less affected by other's insecure thinking, moods and opinions
  • You are less affected by your own insecure thinking and move towards the direction of what wisdom is pointing you towards, rather than getting into a thought storm
  • Your health is optimum
  • You're just happy most of the time and even when you are feeling shit, you are ok with feeling shit!

Put a price on those metrics!

To Conclude

You can chose two paths to building your own business, whether you are successful within a few weeks or it takes 5 years..

?It can be stressful, up and down, impinge on your wellbeing, mental health and relationships, while you are "waiting" to get to the destination of those promised 6 figures 


?You can enjoy your life, wellbeing, great relationships and be happy and content with where you are right now, plus become bulletproof to any low grade thoughts that might discourage you from continuing on this path

Which do you chose?


Book a call to chat to Nicki


There is no magic marketing pill! 

There is however Magical Marketing...which is the extra thing that I can offer, that other marketers don't.

Magical Marketing is about your vibration. 

It's about creating space, so that you can access what's part of you and what connects you to every other part of the most amazing system ever made..nature.

If you think we can pick a marketing strategy and just set off on your way, and you will be rich in 3 months from now...forget it! 

That does happen for some...and it's pure fluke!

But for almost everyone else, all marketing is is TESTING out your message on a bunch of people in the hope that they will engage, and respond and ultimately get on a sales call with you.

WHICH strategy will work best, we won't know until we try it out on a couple of hundred people.

That said, with Step into Your Stardom, you are not a guinea pig! 

We've worked with a coach or 200 before you and know what marketing strategies work best in your industry. 

So it's a good place to start!

At Step Into Your Stardom, you are provided with a support system for coaches to become bulletproof while they are building their business….in whatever length of time that takes from individual, to individual.

We offer you support in all elements that will make the transition into a full time coaching business easier and have a higher chance of success in your coaching business…long term

?Stellar but SIMPLE Marketing Strategy, that has been tried and tested in YOUR industry and is easy for you to implement or inexpensive enough to be able to afford someone to implement on your behalf

?Holistic Business Building that is aligned to your lifestyle goals, maintains your wellbeing, and includes maintaining an income, even if that is coming from a day job

  • Intuitive Based Planning
  • Messaging and Branding
  • Systems
  • Team
  • Lead Generation
  • Sales

?Bulletproofing you so that you don’t throw the towel in when no one likes your Facebook live, or when a sale falls through

?Navigating your business and life with ease and joy, that fulfils you, even if your business takes longer than the expected 6 months to make your 6 figures

?Making coaching easier and more impactful with one of the most simple coaching methods you can imagine! You don't need a coaching certification, by the way, and you can coach leaders, and successful people with this SIMPLE method

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  • 12 years an entrepreneur
  • Lives in the flow 
  • Has made all the mistakes
  • Opened a successful music school during a recession of 2009
  • Created an online business because she wanted to travel when online businesses were in their infancy
  • Had a spiritual awakening in 2007 that changed how she lived life
  • Focusses on the pleasures in life and has found this creates more success for her and her clients
  • Before becoming an entrepreneur, she worked and trained for 10 years in dentistry & teaching in Trinity College, Dublin
  • 10 years in Facebook ads and digital marketing
  • Coaches and help other entrepreneurs create their own businesses
  • Over 50% sales closure rate, without actually selling
  • Knows that best marketing strategies within the industry
  • Has a done for you contracting team at hand to help you to implement the parts of business that you don’t shine at
  • A seasoned professional singer and has toured internationally with bands such as The Commitments from the 1991 Academy and BAFTA Award winning movie
  • Lived in a tree-house on a tropical island in Thailand and studied yoga for almost 2 years
  • Charges based on where you are in your business, so that you don't go broke!
  • Lives on a sub-tropical island, spends 5 days a week at the beach, is not a millionaire and doesn't need to be! Life is abundant!

#marketing #business #coaching #coaches #coach #entrepreneur


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