The Cold Email That Landed Me a $60,000 Job Out of College

The Cold Email That Landed Me a $60,000 Job Out of College

It’s not clickbait.

I did send one cold email that led to my old $60k/year job.

But there’s a series of events that took place:

  1. I went to college online (Penn State) in the spring of 2018
  2. I started freelance copywriting in the fall of 2018
  3. I landed a client with this cold email in the winter of 2019

Subject: Big fan

Hi Eric,

Loved your video on foundational skills to master - I watched it a few months back and it has transformed my approach to business.

I'm Michael Carr and I help entrepreneurs on YouTube get more sales with their email list. Currently writing emails for Alex Berman's channel which has greatly increased the amount of consulting calls he's getting each week.

Does that sound like something you'd be interested in? Let me know and I can send over some times for a quick call.



Hope I did Alex proud with this cold email - love how you guys have collaborated!

4. I landed another job ($40k/year) with this cold email in the spring 2019

Subject: Ready to help

Hey Joe,

Was listening to you talk the other day and something you said caught my ear.

You mentioned you're looking for copywriters to train for Agora.

This is great news if this offer is still available because I'm that guy you described - Here's why:

1) I took all the clothes out of my closet to make room for more books. I read more books than anyone else I know. I'm talking finishing 1-3 a week - listening/reading any chance I can get like when I'm at the gym or on my way to the store. Now in terms of what I read, that's where things get interesting which leads me to my next point...

2) I'm curious about a million things, I'm always asking"what if..." - Basically, my mind is always connecting random bits of info to form a unique picture of a concept. For instance, I could be reading "Breakthrough Advertising" (like I was last week) and find something that clicks with what I read about in "The Origin of Consciousness" by Julian Jaynes. Or I could get really into film photography one month and match something like the rule of thirds to how to structure a sales letter or come up with a cool headline. I don't know how else to describe it other than I'm just a curious dude. Finally...

3) I'm ready for copy "hell week". I believe I have the work ethic needed to produce results for Agora. So far I've kept a strict routine as a freelance copywriter working for 10+ hours a day. I always tackle the most challenging tasks first thing in the morning and continue working from there. Once I get in a groove, I stay in it.

(Also, I live in Northern Virginia and have no problems coming to Baltimore).

What do you think? I'm happy to answer any questions or do any tests, really excited to help you and Agora out any way I can!


Michael Carr

P.S. Younger people learn languages faster. Since copywriting is a language (got that from Kyle Milligan), and since I'm only 20 years old, I'll absorb what you teach me like a sponge.

5. I left that job in the winter of 2019

6. I resumed work with my original client in the spring of 2020

7. I graduated from college in the summer of 2020

8. The client offered me a full-time job the day I graduated.

So if you follow that series of events…

I sent a cold email in January 2019 that directly led to me landing a job the first day I graduated college without sending an application.

So, if I had to boil down what I did into a “system,” it would look like this…

  1. Pick a freelance skill (i.e., writing) and study for a month or two
  2. Start cold emailing prospects to land a small starter gig
  3. Get paid through PayPal, do the job WELL
  4. Leverage that small gig into better work and get paid more
  5. Rinse and repeat!

I ran into some bumps along the way…

Things don’t usually go as planned.

But all I can say is it worked for me!

And I know it’s cliche, but that tells me it can work for most people. I’m nothing special; I'm just someone who likes to write and is willing to learn.

Feel free to ask a question about cold emails. I’m here to help.

Thanks for reading!

Mike Carr

P.S. This content is taken from my 1 Hour Freelance Copywriter course.

Get your free copy here:


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