Cold-calling is plain stupid
Terry Edwards
I Help Recruitment and Search Firm Owners make more placements, for the right fee, with less work and fewer headaches
If you use cold-calling to grow your Recruitment or Search business at the moment, you’re likely to have some sort of emotional reaction to that subject line…
But before you get your knickers in a twist, hear me out…
When I first entered the industry showing Recruitment and Search Firm owners how to grow their business, I went semi-viral with a blog post entitled “cold-calling is dead”…
Some people agreed with me and understood the point I was trying to make….
But most slaughtered me for it!
Even some big name ‘Recruitment Coaches’ who you might know of today…
And I get it…
For a lot of Recruiters, it’s all we know….
When I was working as a recruiter, my first boss told me it was the ONLY way to get business… And I believed her for most of my career…
So I can understand other Recruitment and Search Firm Owners believing it too…
But here are just 5 of the reasons it’s just plain stupid (I could have given you more)….
- Most people don’t like doing it - Your consultants don’t like it, you probably don’t like it either, and you just do because you think you have to… But because you hate it so much, it's super easy to avoid and find other distractions (this is the reason most people who rely on it fall short of their revenue targets every single year)
- Your clients don’t like receiving them – 99% of the time (I made that percentage up, but you get my point) when you cold-call someone it interrupts their day and pisses them off… And selling to someone who is pissed off with you from the outset is a lot harder than selling to someone who actually wants to hear what you have to say
- Its outdated - Most of the people who endorse cold-calling do so because they had success with it…. In the PAST! You’ll find very few Recruitment/Search Firm Owners (or even Recruitment Trainers who teach it) who have had success with it and built outrageously successful businesses recently…. Most are living off victories that they had 5,10 or even 20 years ago! Nothing wrong with that, but the industry has changed massively since then
- It looks desperate - You probably know this already… You probably even feel desperate doing it! And when you look and feel desperate it’s hard to actually command the fees your services deserve
- And Last but certainly not least… It’s based on luck and hope! - You hope you get through to someone who is in the market to buy your services, and you hope you’re lucky enough to get their first (before your competitors who are all doing the same thing)… Sometimes you get lucky, and things work out… But in the long run, relying on luck and hope to grow your business is just plain stupid
I’ll give you more reasons another day…
But even if you like cold-calling, you’re getting results from it (now not in the past), you’re getting the fees you want and as often as you want… The bottom line is you’re relying on LUCK and HOPE... Not exactly the foundations of a successful business is it?
The future belongs to the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who adapt and get clients coming to them rather than desperately chasing them…
I’m even seeing many of the Recruitment Trainers who slaughtered my view in the past move away from teaching cold-calling techniques because even they know this to be true…
So what do you do instead?
You build an inbound marketing system that attracts leads and clients on autopilot… And if you want to know more about how to do that I strongly suggest you click the link below and join my new Facebook group (if you’re not already a member)…
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It’s exclusively for Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who want to scale their business from 6 to 7 figures and beyond in the NEW economy without having to cold-call and without relying on hiring consultants (who will probably end up letting you down)...
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Over the next few weeks, I'll be releasing free exclusive training and content to all members all designed to help you win more clients, increase your business revenue and grow your Recruitment or Search Business. To join click below
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Speak to you soon,
Take care, take action and be relentless....
Terry Edwards AKA the Renegade Recruiter