Colón’s Corner: Autistic and Quite Alright!

Colón’s Corner: Autistic and Quite Alright!

Happy Autism Awareness Month!

I’d actually almost forgotten this was indeed the month for autism awareness! In some respects, that’s a good thing I suppose. The Asperger’s I have doesn’t define me to a large degree but rather is a part of me, akin to a small piece in a very large machine as?I’ve written about previously.

Now it may sound strange BUT let me just say: thank God I have autism. Without this little quirk of mine would I have the friends I do and have networked like I have? Maybe but then again maybe not. Yes, there’s still character tweaks that I have to make but even then, we all do, autism or not.

I think the thing I’ve come to most enjoy about my Asperger’s is the different viewpoint I have on the world and the curiosity to hone in my focus on certain subjects and learn them not just for the personal pride one gets in mastering them but also the ability to find people who are like minded and gradually bond with them over the mutual interests we share. As a natural extrovert, it’s come relatively easily, and it’s been great to meet new people who’ve opened up both my mind and my heart.

And what can I say of those people that have come into my life? They’re awesome from top to bottom! Furthermore, they’ve reminded me I’m not alone. Rather it be a family member, friend, or they themselves, everyone has been touched by autism in one way or another. When I look at myself and all my other fellow neurodivergent humans I’d like to think of us as specialists. Much like an NBA team with a player specifically skilled in shooting three pointers for example, our hyper focus in certain areas makes us the perfect people to bring in and tap into for key information.

As quick learners we’re excelling. Thriving in a fast-paced world in overdrive thanks to the ability to be the polar opposite and slow things down for the purpose of proper analyzation. When you couple that with the highly concentrated focus we possess, us neurodivergent folks are quickly becoming a valuable resource in the workplace, finally able to lean into the quirks we weren’t able to in the society of an era gone by.

Though many evolutions in society aren’t positive one is the growing acceptance of the neurodivergent community. After a long time of feeling both out of place and even out of touch, it seems we finally have our spot at the table. As the medical community’s understanding of autism has evolved and modernized, in lockstep, so have we and that’s a truly great thing.

The autism spectrum, like a large city, is wide and varied. No two cases are alike. But no matter where on the spectrum we find ourselves the one common thing among us is this: we’re all perfectly imperfect and awesome in our own unique way!

It’s a spectrum I’m quite happy to be on and a community I feel no shame in being part of. To all my fellow folks with autism I say you rock! And to those who’ve guided us over the years to be our best selves through patience, understanding, empathy, and polite persistence, we collectively say thank you. Yeah, we’re autistic and we’re doing quite alright. Happy Autism Awareness Month my friends!

Mike Colón is the host of the Mic’d In New Haven Podcast which can be found on?all podcast platforms?and is simulcast in video form on?YouTube


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