The COINS 2023 is in 3 Weeks - What to Expect?
International Conference The COINS
International Conference of Life Sciences
Hello everyone!
In every newsletter, we are so happy to welcome you and share our little steps towards our 17th conference The COINS 2023! This time we will not surprise you with something new, but reveal the conference program in more detail - contact fair participants, lecturers, conference activities, and our sponsors. Topics of Public and High-school Students' Programs will also be revealed.
Finding Your Future Workplace in Contact Fair
Are you currently searching for a job, internship or just looking at how to improve your lab equipment for the upcoming summer? If your answer is yes, we kindly invite you to participate in the upcoming Contact Fair on the 27th of April, which starts at 13:15. By devoting 1 hour or more of your time you will get to meet professionals from different companies, and NGOs and start-ups, such as ThermoFisher Scientific , Caszyme , Lanmer, Cumulatis , Linea Libera, Expertus Vilnensis , VUGENE , Delta biosciences , Mobilioji Bioklas?, Mediq Nederland , Vilnius-Lithuania iGEM and even Life Sciences Baltics ( Inovacij? agentūra )!
So don’t sleep through the event, because some companies promised to give away some great prizes, and Contact Fair is going to be as big, as it has never been!
Get Ready to Be Inspired: What Top Keynote Speakers Will Share With You
During the conference "The COINS 2023. Changing the World One Step at a Time: from Theory to Practice" we will dive into bioengineering, ecology, neurosciences and biomedicine research fields. The newest practical applications of scientific research will be presented by world-leading scientists from Europe and America!
Martin Howard, United Kingdom
His lab group is studying the mechanistic basis of epigenetic regulation in the Polycomb system, a vital epigenetic silencing pathway that is widely conserved from flies to plants to humans. They use the process of vernalization in plants in our experiments, which involves the memory of winter cold to permit flowering only when winter has passed via quantitative epigenetic silencing of the floral repressor FLC. Martin Howard will also discuss the mechanisms by which long-term fluctuating temperature signals are sensed before being converted into digital chromatin states for long-term memory storage in his lecture "How to Measure and Remember a Fluctuating Temperature Signal" on April 25th.
Martin Hofmann-Apitius , Germany
In his talk "COVID, the Pandemic, and Neurodegeneration: Remarks on Gurus, Politics and the Way we do Science" on April 26th, Martin Hofmann-Apitius will talk about neurodegeneration research and shed some light on the mechanisms underlying the interplay between scientists and politics, and the fundamental mechanisms of belief in science authorities. He will also try to discuss the need for scepticism not only towards any “scientific finding”, “dominating disease hypotheses” or “study-has-shown” statement but also towards the mechanisms that make create new “Science Gurus”.
Piotr Trzonkowski , Poland
T regulatory cells (Tregs) are considered a viable option in immunosuppressive treatment in the clinic. The first promising clinical experiments and trials with clinical-grade Tregs cultured as advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP) are completed already. Piotr Trzonkowski in the lecture "From bench to bedside - T regulatory cells in the clinic" will present the path from preclinical studies to the results of clinical trials and the regulatory path towards the marketing authorisation of this cellular drug on April 27th.
Beyond the Lectures: Activities That Will Enhance Your Conference Experience
Andrius Ivanovas 's Activity "From Dull Data to 5 Stars Worth Presentations: a Different Approach to Scientific Communication"
Andrius Ivanovas is a public-speaking professional with more than 7 years of experience. His career path started with biochemistry studies, work, and participation in scientific conferences that revealed a simple truth - knowing the subject and conveying factual information is not enough. This realisation led him to start learning public speaking and now he wants to share public speaking secrets with you! As Andrius says, "You never know where one good speech can lead you".
Demonstration by Valdis Bernhofs and Jachin Pousson "Music and the Brain: Interactions with Perception, Performance, and the EEG Signal"
Can the signals of your brain be transformed into music or visuals? Absolutely yes! During the conference professor, Dr Valdis Bernhofs and researcher Jachin Pousson will show you how by using Brain-Computer Music Interface (BCMI) features a person could express themselves musically by learning to modulate between certain neurophysiological states intentionally. During the demonstration, researchers will use offline EEG data collected from musicians performing contrasting expressive intentions.
Open Your Mind: Engaging Programs for the Public You Can't Miss
What are the Public and High-school Students Programs you may ask?.
Since we, The COINS organizers, are students, we concentrate on and encourage students and students to be. We also care about the future, therefore we work to make science more accessible to the general people and more trustworthy. This is because when you connect with something, you have confidence and can rely on it.?According to this idea, we invite all curious people to come and try themselves in scientific labs.
Both programs - High-school Students and Public - are in the Lithuanian language only and require registration in advance.
Public Program
This year, the participants of the program will become detectives during a laboratory investigation and try to find the real killer as well as learn what can be found in an immunity-boosting vitamin C pill. A truly special opportunity to try yourself as a scientist and have fun with your friends or family!
Keep in mind that the dates of this program are changed to the 13th and 15th of April. More information can be found on Facebook.
High-school Students Program
This program is an excellent choice for knowledge-hungry high-school students! It will provide an opportunity to dive into the world of microorganisms and learn more about enzymes, as well as plants and their stomas!
Check out the event on Facebook for more details.
Be Part of Something Big: Don't Miss The COINS 2023 Conference
Let's meet at The COINS 2023 on April 24th-27th at Vilnius University Life Sciences Center, Saul?tekio al. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania. Save your place here.
For the end, we want to share some spices ??? from the scientific routine
... spread the news and science!
The COINS 2023 team ?
Very much looking forward to speaking at that event. Will be more on“science sociology“ rather than pure computational Neurodegeneration research … and - of course - on the intersection between NDDs and Covid-19 The role of ?science gurus“ in both indication areas and how AI is changing the rules of the game