The Coin of Great Value
The Coin of Great Value
At a different time, in a different place, there was a young man who enjoyed exploring the lands. He would go outside daily to see all the wonders of the world. Every day he would find something new and think about how it was made. Finding new plants, creatures, and things he had never seen before.
After finding something new, he would make notes and read them once he arrived home. His interest was so great he would read in bed and would fall to sleep dreaming of what he had found.
The next day, when he woke up, new ideas could come about what he had found, and he would write them down, too.
On a sunny morning, he ventured out once again, going to new places where he could find something special. As he was walking, he saw a bright flash with a bluish hew to it that caught his eye. Something reflected the sunlight. As he approached the area where he saw that flash, he saw a round, a silvery-colored object that was partially covered in sand. He brushed the sand away and to his surprise, it was a coin. Round in shape, about the size of a cherry, it had a hole in the center, that was surrounded by a bluish ring, and looked like an eye. There were strange symbols on it as well. ?He picked it up and began to analyze it thoroughly, but couldn't understand the meaning. He flipped over the coin and looked at the other side and it had a door on it with symbols as well. He decided to peer through the hole to see what was there. But there was only what he could see normally even without looking through it. After a moment, he placed it in his pocket and began his journey home since the sun was going down.
?After he got home, he took the coin out of his pocket and went to bed. Thinking about it all night, wondering what it means…finally falling asleep.
And then, he had a dream about the coin. A deep voice said, "It's the magical eye to all of the wisdom of the world. The door to all of your dreams is here, and the door is ready to be opened." A bit frightened, he started to run…but the voice said, "It's fine young man, be brave and look through the eye, and open the door to your desires."
The boy stopped running, and asked “What do the symbols mean?” ?
The voice answered, “They mean you are the light, you are the King, and you hold the key to all of your desires, but do know that what ever you ask for, you will receive.”
The next morning, the boy woke up, feeling very tired as he dreamed a lot and didn't sleep well. But he remembered something about the dream and wrote it down. He went to breakfast and forgot about it.
Later in the day, he found the coin in his pocket once again. But he thought it was in his bedroom. So he decided to try out what the voice said in his dream. Before he looked through the eye hole, he wished with all his heart and might that his family, friends, and neighbors would be happy, prosperous, and healthy. ?Then he peered through the hole, and something strange happened, he could see a different place, and everything he could see, the people, animals, plants, and just all were like they were glowing, vibrant, and harmoniously dancing and singing in rhythm together. ?He was so amazed at what he saw that he felt like he was one with what was there. Then a loud noise came from outside and he came back to where he was before looking into the eye. It was a tree branch that hit the roof of his house. But now he saw the same old world he lived in. A bit dismayed, he went back to his room for a nap because he didn't sleep well. He fell quickly to sleep when getting into his bed.
After a few hours nap, he woke up. But he noticed something different - the feelings he had, the colors of objects, the sounds he could hear, and the environment was full of vibrant energy. As he went outside, he was shocked, it was just like he wished for before looking in the eye. He felt like he was floating about, in harmony with everyone and everything, just like he wanted to be. Everyone was dancing, many were singing, the birds as well, just everywhere he saw the same harmony.
His dream had come true, and now he lives happily ever after as one with the coin of great value.
?Copyright 2023 Rodney Josephson, all rights reserved.