CoGri Korea Steel Fibre Jointless Slab on Piles, 5 Metre span.
CoGri Asia Regional Management meeting in South Korea took a break this week to visit a recently completed floor for a large Korean electrical company. The 55,000 sq metre floor designed by Face Consultants and Constructed by CoGri Korea is a steel fibre jointless slab, 45 Kg of CoGri fibre on piles at 5 metre centres, 4 Kg of light grey CoGri-top dry shake topping and Isedio Armour Joints.
5 年I send a PM
Firma y?netim Dan??man? , firma sat?? geli?tirme dan??man? Kaleder Kayseri Denetim Krl üyesi , Chairman of Board YKS EXPORT Chairman of Board 5T5 technology company Istanbul
6 年
General Manager
6 年45 KGS steel fibres per cubic metre and a great finish like that. Goes to show the quantity of steel fibres in a mix has no bearing on the quality of finish to a floor. One contractor advised me the other day it was "impossible" to use more than 30 KGS Dramix fibres in a mix. Case in point here, clearly not an issue.