Cognitive Dissonance and Food
Cognitive Dissonance and Food !
Do you know what is it? The term seem to be more of a psychological aspect, isn't it? But it has a relation with what you eat too!
What and how you eat can affect your psychology at a remarkable level. We do have a culture of offering prayers before meal, let us understand the significance of that. Making a prayer before meals is a simple act through which we can establish communion with God, gain Divine consciousness and protection and obtain the Vital energy required for our body’s functions. It also brings continuity into our spiritual practice, which occurs even during our daily routine acts such as having meals.
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I, the Supreme Spirit, abiding in the body of living beings as the Fire (Vaiswanara) in their stomach I am associated with their Praana and Apaana (types of vaayu which we take in through breathing), digest the four type of foods (solids, fluids, semi-fluid and liquid) which they eat.?
Some may say this is just the spiritual aspect and we don't believe in it, we want the scientific proof. Hold on, I am coming to that.?
Imagine you were craving for pizza and you had one. Basically you like eating ?? and often eat one but at the same time you know that it's not healthy. Your attitude and behavior doesn't match with your cognition resulting in depression or anxiety. Our mind and body are interdependent units and if both are not on same lines, we definitely have to pay for it.?
When you stick to a diet of healthy food, you're setting yourself up for fewer mood fluctuations, an overall happier outlook and an improved ability to focus.?
Eat right and stay healthy !
Akshada Kulkarni