Cognitive Computing
Mark Pohlmann
Founder & CEO at Aeteos - Cognitive Psychologist - President Point de Contact - Réserviste Gendarmerie (Unité Nationale Cyber) - Chercheur au CRGN - Membre du Cercle K2
What is happening? A Google AI Guru, Mister Hassabis, published July 19th 2017 in the journal Neuron, a scientific paper about Artificial Intelligence and shared some lessons learned. What did he found? Better understanding how the brain works will allow to create new structures and algorithms for “electronic intelligence”. He believes the only way for artificial intelligence to realize its true potential is with a dose of inspiration from human intellect. Currently, most AI systems are based on layers of mathematics that are only loosely inspired by the way the human brain works. Hassabis is not alone in this kind of thinking. Gary Marcus, a professor of psychology at New York University and former director of Uber’s AI lab, has argued that machine-learning systems could be improved using ideas gathered by studying the cognitive development of children…
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences are key disciplines to understand mental processes and understand how we think. And Intelligence, yes INTELLIGENCE, is a human thing and key cognitive processes defining it are reasoning, making decisions and solving problems. Today, in most of the so called artificial intelligent applications, we are far from that.
What happened during the last decade? Artificial intelligence went the wrong way. People forgot those key sciences and tried to produce intelligent systems with only mathematics and computer technologies. Today they have reached the limit of what can be done using only these sciences. Mister Hassabis came to this conclusion.
No matter which topic you take, you will always have two things to get: information and a way to process them to get what you want. As we try to build an artificial intelligence, we should acquire information the way humans would and we should process them the way humans do.
When building an intelligent system, we need to take care of neurosciences, ergonomics, philosophy, psychology, linguistic, anthropology and artificial intelligence. Mathematics and computer sciences are key disciplines to collect information and to make the system artificial but are not key disciplines to make it intelligent. This is our part of the work.
For one of the top Fortune Global 500 company based in Tokyo, Japan (over 9 trillion revenue), who is currently working to define their digital transformation strategy embracing Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing, Beamak was consulted to help them defining how to best design an expert system being able to support problem solving, decision making and reasoning tasks. As a result, the way information is captured, stored and used within these processes is improving the intelligence of their solutions.
For an International leading Strategic Value Network operating in the Automotive Aftermarket industry operating worldwide, Beamak has been selected to support their digital transformation journey by bringing expertise in the field of AI and Cognitive computing to make sure that data are well collected and described to be used in future smart engines (reasoning, decision making and problem solving).