A Cognitive Breakdown
(it is the gaze that should be noticed)

A Cognitive Breakdown

Whatever may be painful to hear, it must be kept in mind that the average level of Consciousness in the West is now rapidly regressing (1). Perhaps more concerning, this phenomenon is negatively impacting, but in complete silence, an increasing number of activities and businesses. Ultimately, it is this same phenomenon that is leading us straight to a generalized Cognitive Breakdown from a social perspective. Which is more serious, if nothing changes. Thus, the Future would be compromised within a generation. Which media will decide to finally speak clearly about this?

The origin of this situation dates back to the 1990s and the Digitalization of Western societies, exacerbated by their Deindustrialization - see below to understand the relationship between the two dimensions. On the positive side and at the collective level, this Digitalization has brought the immense progress that everyone knows; what would be the point of elaborating further on this? On the negative side, however, and first at the individual level, this same Digitalization has frequently led to an accelerated decline in the level of Consciousness of members of Western populations. And this has nothing to do with: Morality. It is related to: Intelligence.

And more precisely to the intelligence of intelligences, Consciousness.

Today, more and more people have thus become much slower & more limited than they used to be. Most often, the same people are unaware of their idiocy. Worse, they are convinced of the opposite (2). And all these people are to be pitied, rather than mocked as foolishly (see the 'toothless' by... the former french president Hollande talking about his poorest fellow citizens). Foolishly, yes, because these people are in fact more frequently found in the urban & educated layers of Western populations (2). And not so much in the rural areas where live often people with low levels of graduation ("graduated": not “qualified”...), we will return to this later.

The fundamental explanation of this regression would lead us too far here. The essential point, however, lies in this scheme. It accounts for and explains that Consciousness is not a vague & fixed phenomenon (which you know, since you are no longer 2 years old...). It is, on the contrary, a structured and dynamic phenomenon that is built and strengthened (It can be muscular ...) primarily through confrontation with Reality and through Work (3).

Consciousness is not a vague & fixed phenomenon. It is a dynamic construction.

All the benefit of the rest (i.e. the origin, the hidden secret, perfection: in other words, logic, explanation, understanding), which can open the door to all knowledge and all techniques understanding, is simply the effect of this elementary dialectic: Consciousness x Reality x Work.

Besides, don't you know that everything you know and have learned since birth has essentially never come about any other way? :

Consciousness x Reality x Work

If, therefore, you weaken the relationship with Reality (Digitalization), and simultaneously with Real Work (Deindustrialization), - which is the destiny of the West for a generation -, everything you build at the collective level is the regression of Consciousness and consequently that of the foundation of intelligence. And in this regard, let us also say that the performance of an Educational System is in fact relatively secondary. Here is the simple story of History over 3000 years (4). Whatever may shock, but without motive: Intelligence preceded School, the fact is elementary.


In France in the 1970s, we still had factory workers capable of discussing the masterpieces of this country's Literature, there are filmed testimonies. Today, you can pretty much forget it. That is the summary in one sentence of what has happened.

Some may rejoice in this ongoing dumbing down. Even profit from this Cognitive Breakdown that is unfolding before our eyes, in silence once again. And why not enjoy it to complete this malevolence? In France, I think here of this so-called Doctor Laurent Alexandre (5), who is present in all the media. Elsewhere, a notch higher, there is also this strange Yuval Harrari (5) who is of the same swamp. But malevolence aside, this perverse enjoyment is and will always be wrong. Because it is very short-sighted.

Indeed, a regression of Consciousness inevitably leads to what you all see now everywhere. The manifest decline of a Society; the degradation-devaluation of many of its economic activities; all against a backdrop of increasing violence of all kinds. And what is surprising about all this?

To explain it, this image will be brutal, with the advantage of clarity: if in less than a generation and in societies as advanced as ours, you have simili-primates that have been generated everywhere, what do you think can happen in the end? What you observe every day in an increasing manner. And which, in the end, will spare no one. It must be said again: in the end, it will spare no one.

(and sorry for the real Primates of the jungles, who are very evolved; it was an image).

“I probably have more sense than you do.”

Outside the Western world, this Regression of Consciousness / of intelligence does not exist much or at all. For the simple reasons that they still work there, - sometimes still too hard - ; that these recently modernized populations (6) have therefore retained the roots of their historical anchors and traditions; and that for all the effects of these reasons, these people still have a culture of Reality and intense-regular interaction with their Realities (cf. Work).

All this is simply logical.

You will have noticed that the purpose of this text is neither Right nor Left, it is of the Real. It also did not care whether you were rich, poor, or somewhere in between. Or whether you were born in a dumpster or in a castle. With one skin color rather than another. Not to mention your religion which is frankly your intimate affair, did it need to be specified?

The question of Consciousness and that of this ongoing Cognitive Breakdown have nothing to do with these contingencies. Events that are, yes, very real, but to which we often attribute an exaggeratedly decisive importance. Because it is a failure to take a close interest in what consciousness is really talking about, the intelligence of all intelligences. Which, for the essential, also does not care about all our prejudices: 'the Spirit blows where it wills': , see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/more-consciousness-every-day-charles-de-mercy-k92te/?trackingId=VFeNq8WvRwWyE%2F8yrtNlPA%3D%3D, as long as its weakening is not organized from a social perspective.

The next question that can legitimately arise is whether one is oneself a victim of this silent dumbing down and how, also, to protect oneself from it? There are two main ways to do this. Two ways that do not require sophisticated diagnoses because they are of the order of experience and practice.

The first is to establish whether you have the taste for inventing all sorts of new things in all domains (except, therefore, tricks related to manipulations of rules, codes, systems, etc., which are not inventive at the heart of things).

Why inventiveness? Because it manifests the elementary fact that you have previously become aware of an anomaly in the ordinary course of things, even in the space of a second, and that you have found a functional solution that did not exist before. Of course, one can think here of 'fantastic discoveries' and 'finds of the century': but that is wrong. Inventiveness is a phenomenon that does not care whether you change the face of the world, or the way to succeed in a pot-au-feu in your kitchen like never before. It is therefore an aptitude that can manifest itself everywhere, at any time, at all levels, and with the most basic means. Which also states, to the good listener..., that inventiveness and its beneficial effects are first and foremost a Practice. An exercise and a psychological discipline that can be daily. The rejection of indifference to the world, to Reality. As the concern to remedy it (the Work...).

On this subject of indifference, the second very effective way to determine whether you are a victim of the ongoing Western dumbing down, - or not... -, is to know whether, confronted with the difficulties of one of your fellow human beings, and preferably a stranger, you are indifferent; you flee; you despise; you sneer as if it were a spectacle (because you are afraid, too...) ; or whether by chance and by luck, because you see very well the half-sentence or the gesture that could improve this painful situation, you take the moment to accomplish it with delicacy. Without necessarily spending the day on it. Nor even congratulating yourself for having been banally compassionate.

If this way is very effective, it is because the misfortunes of the world are more frequent than the spontaneous opportunities to invent all sorts of things on all subjects. And above all, in the end, concerning Consciousness, it is Fedor Dostoevsky who said in one sentence one of its essential aspects (2.1), although it was also without too much explaining it from an analytical point of view (7),

Suffering is the only cause of consciousness

(In the negative, Dostoevsky was a Slav, who are always a bit fatalistic...).

Nevertheless, in this case, if indifference were your daily life, and you never invented anything about anything, you are wary and even fearful of unexpected originality, - in short, you are of a patented conformism -, and well, do not be afflicted to learn that you have a serious problem of regression of consciousness. Something that, also, handicaps you day by day in all domains on all subjects, without even knowing - that is the much more annoying.

So, unless you are lost for the Real, all that this can give you the opportunity is to relight the light whose two modes of use have just been given.


All the benefits of efficiency as a bonus, already stated above, and which speak at the heart of things only of increasing gains of Power to Be,

Try it a bit like a game, and you'll see,

it works more than well, whoever you are.

Charles de Mercy, Chammalow, President.

?? Chammalow, October 2024. Free use subject to source citation.


(1) The decline of IQ is established in the West. This fact, however, measures only an infinitesimal part of the issue at stake. Cf. "More consciousness every day": see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/more-consciousness-every-day-charles-de-mercy-k92te/?trackingId=VFeNq8WvRwWyE%2F8yrtNlPA%3D%3D

(2) The French Demographer & Historian Emmanuel Todd, a visionary for half a century..., rightly qualified these populations as: Educated Idiots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Todd, (a bit vandalized by Wikipedia here). Today in the West, true intelligence is, in the opposite sense, very often comes from: people. Because these are also of the Real, who work in it in one way or another, and who are constantly confronted with it, often in a trying way. Although it may be difficult to hear, unsolicited Suffering does not only have disadvantages.

It is in fact one of the factors of increasing Individual Consciousness. (2.1) If this point is inaudible to you, then ask the question of the Relationship to the World before/after to all the people who have been victims of accidents, serious illnesses, and other dramas.

(3) Consciousness / TdE:

This scheme simply formalizes that from the dialectic Consciousness x Reality x Working, one can trace back to "The origins," that is, the historical source of any of the questions; a historical source that is also at the foundation of all Cause and Effect Relationships. And, by that, at the very foundation of Logic. This then allows the "Hidden Secrets" to be revealed. That is, the factors and causes of any of the phenomena. This then allows the "Perfection" to be formalized, that is, the coherence and functioning. This finally allows the quality of Work to be improved in all domains.

And so on, because this mechanism is accelerative. Since globally, the ceaseless iteration of this device amplifies the quality and extent of its center, Consciousness. Which is therefore neither vague nor fixed, cf. above. Like all phenomena of Nature, Consciousness is a dynamic construction, at least from the point of view of its practical & effective manifestations.

For the rest, it fundamentally raises a Metaphysical question. Which was not at all our purpose here.

(4) It has been forgotten that, over 3000 years, Europe has everywhere developed extraordinary masses of intelligence in all domains, while its educational systems were what they were, rudimentary, scattered, unequal, and most often reserved for the children of the ruling classes. Although after the 8th-10th centuries in particular in Europe, the Catholic Church - as it was... – also played a decisive educational role in popular education, and not only in the West; this has also been forgotten in both cases.

(5) Listen for two minutes to this so called Doctor Laurent Alexandre lecturing before the students of Polytechnique and Centrale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5awpEd2X9I, two of the French elite' schools : this disgusting scene could occur without anyone leaving the room immediately. The same, in an interview with the Thinkerwiew channel, claims that his young children assiduously read about fifty books a year. The Doctor forgot that this represents around 20,000 pages and 666 hours of annual reading for a good reader. 2 hours a day. Every day. All year long. In addition to everything else. Mr. Alexandre has a problem with Reality.

For Yuval Harrari, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuval_Noah_Harari, where Gaza & co. appear to him as very practical research laboratories. Frankly, Doctor Mengele did not think otherwise,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele, otherwise, he would have stayed home between 1938 and 1945. Note that Mr. Yuval Harrari is of Jewish faith and claims to be a Historian. Yes, as often the Tragic is also Farcical.

(6) In the years 2005-2015, in Guatemala, Vietnam, or Poland, I also remember families that Globalization had quickly enriched in city centers. But during weekends and vacations, these families could not help but return to the deprivation of their jungles, rice fields, or forests: reconnections to the Real. Because these were also realities distant by barely a generation and less, and they took pleasure in returning to them like a invigorating pilgrimage.

Here and finally, returning to France in the 1960s, https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dDanD3DTmGg you also had the rising generation of Educated Idiots, since the phenomenon dates back to the Post-WWII period and a large part of the spoiled children of the "30 glorious years".

(7) Here, we also avoid the full explanation of the Consciousness/Suffering relationship, - which is only one of its aspects, it has to be said again... -, because that would be informing too deeply people who may be only moderately benevolent il they were too well-informed - one must found compromises between Speaking, but not too much.

It's dangerous.

#Consciousness #intelligences #progress #innovation #future


While reading this article, and after reading it, you will in all probability have understood much, much more than has been written. The explanation of this interesting and pleasant phenomenon also has a bearing on the question of Consciousness. And the beginning of its explanation can be found here, on page (4), https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7245106100260282368/ at the conclusion of this testimony on “Globalization”.


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