Coffee in a Beach Hut tomorrow...

Coffee in a Beach Hut tomorrow...

Here in the UK it's apparently spring, but with no sign of the sun it's feeling a little bit grey... So pop in to the #RideTheWave Beach Hut (aka Zoom) tomorrow, Friday 26th April, at 10.30am (BST) and have a chat with our Co-Founders and Programme Directors, Lucy Mullins and Sonya Shellard - their energy is guaranteed to elevate your spirits, and their expertise will enlighten you on everything you need to know about training, developing, and accrediting as a professional coach. They can also answer any questions you have and share their expertise on developing a coaching culture, and equipping your teams with coaching skills to mentor and lead with impact. ?

Book into the Coffee Break

We always like to share a coaching tool with you, and as the weather is on our mind at the moment, we thought it would be a good time to share our Weather Report.? We've put a #RideTheWave spin on the classic mood meter tool, giving you a great way to check-in at the start of a meeting, or coaching session, and find out how people are really feeling.?Click the dolphin to access the full Weather Report.

Hope you experience some high tides and good vibes this weekend.


