Coediting in Adobe XD and why I'm proud of it
It is not much of a big deal but still interesting.
The Adobe XD team has acknowledged my little request for the way multiple users can work on the same file in Adobe XD. I just found out today!
The problem:
There was a disruptive dialog box that pops up every time one user edits the document and you had to accept the changes for every single save.
My suggestion:
When editing with other users, it will be easier if there was a radio button that says "Always Accept Changes" so that we don't have to accept changes every time because it's a bit distracting.
Coediting came in! A way better solution than just a radio button. Coediting now allows users to edit the file in real-time without the need to Accept changes every time and there is more control given to file owners such as Saves bookmarking.
I am just glad that my little suggestion was considered and executed.
The demo video of Coediting:
The article about Coediting:
My suggestion link: