Coding for the hell of it.
I complain about tutorial / code tips not offering any real-world value, but then I also write (and publish) stuff like this while I'm waiting for my air fryer to finish cooking my chicken.
No idea why. Boredom maybe?
interface MarvelCharacterInterface
public function attack(): string;
public function limitBreak(): string;
class CaptainAmerica implements MarvelCharacterInterface
public int $power = 5;
public int $hp = 60;
public function attack(): string
return 'Shield attack!';
public function limitBreak(): string
return '"I can do this all day.." PUNCH!';
class Ironman implements MarvelCharacterInterface
public int $power = 6;
public int $hp = 60;
public function attack(): string
return 'Repulsor Beam!';
public function limitBreak(): string
class Thor implements MarvelCharacterInterface
public int $power = 8;
public int $hp = 80;
public function attack(): string
return 'Thundeerrrrr!!';
public function limitBreak(): string
class Thanos implements MarvelCharacterInterface
public int $power = 15;
public int $hp = 100;
public function attack(): string
return 'Big Punch!';
public function limitBreak(): string
return 'Infinity Beam!!!!';
interface BattleInterface
public function addMember(MarvelCharacterInterface $character): self;
public function getBattleReport(): array;
public function fight(MarvelCharacterInterface $enemy): bool;
class Avengers implements BattleInterface
public array $squad = [];
public array $battleReport = [];
public function addMember(MarvelCharacterInterface $character): self
$this->squad[] = $character;
return $this;
public function getBattleReport(): array
return $this->battleReport;
public function fight(MarvelCharacterInterface $enemy): bool
while(true) {
$avenger = rand(0, count($this->squad) -1);
$attack = rand(0, 1);
$currentAvenger = $this->squad[$avenger];
$damage = $currentAvenger->power * ($attack + 1);
$action = $currentAvenger::class . " attacks " . $enemy::class . ' with ';
$action .= $attack === 0 ? $currentAvenger->attack() : $currentAvenger->limitBreak();
$action .= ' ' . $enemy::class . ' loses ' . $damage . 'HP';
$this->battleReport[] = $action;
$enemy->hp -= $damage;
if ($enemy->hp <= 0) {
$this->battleReport[] = $enemy::class . ' is DEAD.';
return true;
$avenger = rand(0, count($this->squad) -1);
$attack = rand(0, 1);
$currentAvenger = $this->squad[$avenger];
$damage = $enemy->power * ($attack + 1);
$action = $enemy::class . " attacks " . $currentAvenger::class . ' with ';
$action .= $attack === 0 ? $enemy->attack() : $enemy->limitBreak();
$action .= ' ' . $currentAvenger::class . ' loses ' . $damage . 'HP';
$this->battleReport[] = $action;
$this->squad[$avenger]->hp -= $damage;
if ($this->squad[$avenger]->hp <= 0) {
$this->squad = array_values($this->squad);
$this->battleReport[] = $currentAvenger::class . ' is DEAD.';
if (count($this->squad) === 0) {
$this->battleReport[] = $enemy::class . ' won with ' . $enemy->hp . 'HP';
return false;
return false;
$avengers = new Avengers();
$result = $avengers
->addMember(new Ironman())
->addMember(new CaptainAmerica())
->addMember(new Thor())
->fight(new Thanos());
if (!$result) {
echo "The Avengers were defeated...\n";
} else {
echo "The Avengers have WON.\n";
Ok lets do this! First to 2 is the winner.
Avengers 0 - 1 Thanos.
Avengers 1 - 1 Thanos
Avengers 2 - 1 Thanos