CodeSoft Intern

Hello everyone!Writing this to share my experience in the CodSoft C++ Programming internship.

This is Yash Gupta and I'm a B.Tech student at GEHU. I was looking for internships to increase my knowledge and abilities. I got to know about CodeSoft from Linkedin itself. I focused my work throughout this internship on the field of C++ Programming. So, I received the offer letter. I was thrilled to have been given the chance and was hoping to learn new things on this journey. I've learned a lot of new things, I am confident that the skills I learned during my internship will help me in the future. I finished 5 tasks,

Task 1: NUMBER GUESSING GAME Task 2: SIMPLE CALCULATOR Task 3: TIC-TAC-TOE GAME Task 4: TO-DO LIST Task 5: LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This was an unusual task as I had never done anything of this sort earlier. I learned a great deal about C++ Programming and learnt new things in this one. It was a wonderful experience working with Codsoft to gain my knowledge and skills. I would like to thank Codsoft for this amazing opportunity.


