- can 8 billion humans and AI help Guterres meta sustainability roadmaps
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
sept 2022 codes meta chaotic runup to general assembly 2022 - we'll just log clues and try at end of september to reorder them by location eg 1 This looks incredibly timely does anyone have a thai connection eg through their hemisphere of UN or metaverse leadership at Translucia or hk and thai common interests in fintech for humanity? we're looking for vilunteer co-coders - eg we would like to tag links by relevant to 4 main web3 ops for millennials - the 2 educational components digital cooperation and digital capacity building - the 2 tech wizardry networks - aiforgood since 1951 searching answers to neumman chalenge what peopels do with 100 tiems more tech per decade ; and the itu's defing role all tell indistries global connectivity out of switzerland 1865 telegraph! q/a welcome [email protected] - also can you help with glasgow's 265th annual summit for moral economist & educators MES June 2023
July 2022 breaking good news see - also geographically CA 1 also progress on 5 mindsets that millennial players of must urgently bridge as deep as community data flows
web3 enter metaverse - last humans play?
web2 smart devices mobilised; data streaming from every gps on planet leads to imagineering autonomous AI for good or extinction
web1 the economist 1984 2025 report timed tech coming of webs with uncanny foresight making the human mess we've all made across every peoples borders sad or world for such mathematical chaos
web0 before webs lucky people accessed electricity , started moon races , satellite tv bradcasting , celebrity worshiping ??? -from 1945 neumann alumni promosied 100 tiems more tech per decade -from 1965 silicon valley became forst peoples designed to specifically imagine expoeential consequences (gordon moore law- valley from santa clara via stanford to san fran and public college berkeley
web00 - no electricity grid - the stqate of up to 75% of people in 1945 - 1 billion girls for sdg networkers present back to 1972
** help curate metaverse tours eg metatour 1 XP destiny Exponential Destiny
@ExponentDestiny Int’l Telecommunication Union #Plenipot?+ bridging the?#DigitalDivide. Secretary-General:?@ITUSecGen @MesmeriseVR @Samantha220922Executive Mentor & Chief Design Officer?@exponentdestiny @PabloGo74583245 Metaverse architect AI for Good??#MoreThanASummit @AIforGood Organized by?@ITU?in partnership w/ 40 UN agencies SDGmetaversePrize @SDGMetaverse Daniel Gohl @danielgohlCommitted to ensuring education is contemporary, challenging, and continuous.Broward Schools @browardschools 6th-largest school system in the nation NCFL @NCFL The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) works to eradicate poverty through education solutions for families.Blendhub @Blendhub a multinational company hosting the world's first multi-localized network for the blending of powder-based food.M2Studio @M2Studio_vr architecture metaverse+3D+NFTs+VR/AR.?#buildingthemetaverse? Spatial @spatialxr The Metaverse for Culture, Exhibitions, Events, and Experiences | Web, VR & Mobile |?| Banner art by?@brianlife
-Helen Hai Executive VP & Head of Charity Binance
Helen has headed up Binance Charity since its inception in 2018, with the mandate to use blockchain for social good. Helen first became interested in using blockchain for good due to her extensive experience working across Africa, which led to her becoming the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Goodwill Ambassador for industrialization in Africa. Prior to this, Helen was named a 2015 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and she is co-chair of the Global Future Council on the Future of Consumption for World Economics Forum. Since, she has featured on “Ones to Watch” list for Bloomberg’s 50 people who shaped 2018 in unexpected ways and was selected as one of the Cointelegraph Top 100 (2019), the 100 most important and influential people in the cryptocurrency and blockchain world.
Yat Siu
Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, Animoca BrandsFounder & CEO, Outblaze
A veteran technology entrepreneur/investor based in Hong Kong, Yat Siu is the co-founder and chairman of Animoca Brands, a global leader in blockchain and gaming with the mission to deliver digital property rights to the world's gamers and Internet users, thereby creating a new asset class, play-to-earn economies, and a more equitable digital framework contributing to the building of the open metaverse..Yat began his career at Atari Germany in 1990. In 1995 he moved to Hong Kong to establish Hong Kong Cybercity/Freenation, the first free web page and email provider in Asia. In 1998 he set up Outblaze, an award-winning pioneer of multilingual white label web services. In 2009, he sold Outblaze’s messaging unit to IBM, and pivoted Outblaze to become an incubator of projects and companies to develop digital entertainment services and products.
Yat is a director for TurnOut Ventures, a partnership between Outblaze and Turner Entertainment that brought to prominence the hugely popular emoticon character Tuzki. In 2017 he set up the Dalton Learning Lab, an afterschool digital lab for skills not emphasized by most education systems, including divergent thinking and design thinking. He is the founder of ThinkBlaze, the research arm of Outblaze investigating socially meaningful issues in technology.Since 2018, Yat has been an early advocate for the use of blockchain and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the gaming industry, which will allow gamers to enjoy true ownership of their own game assets, data, and, consequently, time. With a clear vision of the potential of decentralized apps and assets, Yat quickly steered Animoca Brands, at the time an established game developer and publisher, to focus on blockchain technology and NFTs. Since 2018, Animoca Brands has launched a series of NFT-centric products and invested in over 100 blockchain-related companies, developing one of the largest blockchain portfolios in the world.Yat has earned numerous accolades including Global Leader of Tomorrow at the World Economic Forum, Young Entrepreneur of the Year at the DHL/SCMP Awards, and recognition as one of the Cointelegraph top 100 notable people in blockchain in 2021.A classically trained musician, Yat is a member of the advisory board of BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) and a director of the Asian Youth Orchestra.
=========================btreaking news augist from trivoum china
One Thing from Beijing
One quick fix of China policy, every weekday.
quick take
Algorithm registrations are a revolution – but not for the reason you think
Media is abuzz this week over the cyber regulator’s (CAC) new public-facing algorithm database,?which last Friday published its first batch of 30 registered algos.
The question everyone’s asking us:?“OMG! What does this mean?”
Take a deep breath: This isn’t the regulatory cataclysm it might appear to be at first glance.
We’ll break it down for you in this quick take.
From out of somewhere
First and foremost, the algo registrations are not a surprise development.
In late February, the CAC’s landmark algorithm regulations, effective March 1, called for algorithms with “public opinion properties or social mobilization capabilities” to be registered with the regulator.
What is?unexpected is that the database has been made public.
It’s pretty light on detail, mind you.
When we say basic, we mean really bare-bones.?For example, Taobao’s algo for recommending products to e-commerce shoppers is described in less than 300 words – and that is typical.
For technical depth, this is the Playskool version.
And for some companies, the information in the database was already public.
But wait:?Has the CAC asked companies for much more detailed technical information, like actual code?
Maybe. But we think not.
Also:?We doubt that companies would copy/paste their algo source code into a web field.
Also, also:?It is not clear that the CAC has the technical capacity to analyze code even if it has it.
Point being:?This is primarily an administrative exercise to get all the algos out there standardized ID cards.
But that’s still unprecedented and a major deal for algorithm regulation.
Setting the (algo)rithm
There are several impacts and implications to consider.
First, the database helps the CAC reach its core goal of making the algorithms that govern our digital lives more transparent to the state and public.
The database may have a self-policing effect.?By officially submitting a description of what their algos are supposed to do, companies may feel more pressure to stick to those parameters.?For example:
Similarly, a theme in recent data regulation is empowering consumers’ voices –?indeed, the CAC’s algorithm regs, like several others, require companies to establish dedicated channels for public complaints.
Long-term, the CAC’s algo regs lay the foundation for a powerful new regulatory system.?These are essentially algorithm ID cards – and a reliable and complete identification system is the basis of any regulatory system.
For something as ephemeral as code, that’s revolutionary.
June 2022 : 50th year of environment summits: stockholm -----ESG now! world economics forum asks - what will happen to CEOs who get AI for children wrong?? UN breaking june 1 - global energy update; AI 2022-1758; 2022-1951; -map 17-dimensional intel ... friends20 future of teachers - ben , sen & zen? UNw week's vital footstep MB 1 2
help linkin UN2.0 in 100 clicks 1 ..99 100 - Friends: May's top tour 1 2 3 uniting sustainability news editors -related May16 Geneva: WHO report one billion people denied access to assistive tech - chicago latest round of Paulson Prize for US-China climate collabs - map explorers 1 .. climate smart 1 2? congrats barcelona-unesco - sustainability education .. docs 75th assembly world health Org
Dubai ed summit at expo links videos to diary 2022 - if we dont chnage ed and tech sustainability in 20202 - we may never do do>
hubs & thinktanks- good, bad & ugly is a guide we have been curating since 2003 when a dismal london hub started to go global- we bow to Wharton's McGann who passed away end of 2-021 for an equitable review or rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo., to review or search -see also abed collab 5.6 - the last of 30 we heard him specify aka zoom/meta 1billiongirls up Scottie
Entrepreneurial Revolution & SDGoal 5 - Equality
filing cabinet?1?.2.?3?4 of UN2.0? (Uniting Peoples)?1..?2?,,3?...40 branches of UN responded to?2021 survey of what AI are you doing?by UN-ITU Geneva
mit openbci - os neuroscience ..1 ... Galea - ca emerge (physical touch)
My Sustainability Hypothesis : there is more work for 15s-35s to do than ever- if you agree love to linkin chris macrae, Wash DC, linkedin unwomens [email protected]
Which of UN Digital Roadmap's valuetrue 8 principles of UN digital roadmap- which would you like to chat about: 1 Bottom-up 2 Exponential mindset 3 Innovative and agile solutions 4 Human-centered design 5 Decentralized and distributed networking 6 Transparency and accountability 7 Sharing lessons learned and best practices 8 Active engagement and co-leadership - 9bonus points - do you know one business school professor that certifies maturity on these 8 skills? (living in usa for last 25 years i have searched but not really found one - mea culpa or mindset crisis?) & What has the UN intended to do with 100 times more tech per decade since 1951? My understanding is that by 1951 about 20% of peoples lived in places where applying Glasgows engines (from 1760 -see adam smith and james watt) had developed places with up to 200 times more wealth and health than subsistence living , and most of the other 80% of human beings had not yet had access to machines.
So could UN celebrate both best for people dev of those historically with engines and telecoms and how those previously without tech leapfrogged to at least the health*wealth of developed nation. The most exciting collaborations round this i have ever studies linking billion Asian womens - the purest cases of 30 most extraordinary collabs are hosted with Bangladesh women at . These help confirm why the Code's principles for un digital roadmap are integral. Other resources for bottom up mapping include this climate X
2020s NEWS (North East West South) :What if we helped Guterres mediate a metaverse so that no collaborative sustainability/community service graduate networker is in debt to education 1 2 3?50 years since entrepreneurial revolution?(ER) was coined in The Economist as the main model of economic development wherever communities rising was the future people wanted to design networking
First 40 UN agencies applying AI - nb dear readers: are your nation's gov agencies ahead or behind the world on sustainability actions as an educational right of younger half of the world and generation SDG?
UN=United Nations---U- University::DP Development Prog --ICEF Intl CHILDREN Emergency Fund --ESCO Education Science Culture Org --Women :: EP Environment Protection --WTO World Trade O::CTAD Conf Trafe&Dev --FPA Fund Population :Maternal/Reproductive--?????HCR Hi Com Refugees?Habitat -????????DESA Economic&Social
W=World--Bank --FP Food Program --HO Health Org ==MO Meteorological O --IPO Intel Property O
I=International --TU TelecomsUnion --?LO Labor Office --?MF Monetary Fund --FAD Fund Agri Dev --MO Maritime Org --OM O Migration--AEA Atomic Energy A
OHCHR Human Rights:: FAO Food-Agri Org?::ITAR Train&Research::?IDO Indutrial Dev ECE EconomicComEurope --DPPA PoliticalPeacebuilding Aids Gpulse - RISD Research Social --l Dev OOSA Space?ODA/IDIR Disarmament ODC Drugs/Crime --?ICRI Interregional Justice??
Neumann & Kennedy first suggested celebrating this "interdependence" consequence of 100 times more tech per decade mid 1950s - what compounded each decade? Was Putin's war as inevitable as world war 2 and can we share the codes to change everyone's trajectory by 2030 or admit to today's under 30s that us elders have made them the first extinction generation? Women helping Guterres with last mile community services
DWEP 2025-1995 how Digital Women End Poverty =mobile collabs poorest village women 20 years old when 2025report concluded= thanks for the extraordinary journey...Three months ago @OECD Library I was moved by this oecd report on AI - start of an extraordinary learning curve for me- hope you all enjoy it too. I welcome suggestions on links around the world (eg paris OECD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) as we humans leap forward from a tragic start to 2020s [email protected] - i am convinced our 8 billion brains can map and meta better futures
filing cabinet 1 .2. 3 4 of UN2.0 U2 UP (Uniting Peoples) 1.. 2 ,,3 ...40 branches of UN responded to 2021 survey of what AI are you doing by UN-ITU Geneva
1 Joy is She- what's up: UN2.0 Digital Roadmap = codes :oops humanoids do ArtI too
SDG diary - dont miss Finland UNwider Helsinki - may 31 smart city chaired dianlogue with marta chen last member of founding team of brac
MAY 7, 2022: ITS been one heck of a week with Japan & Slovenia launching Naixus - 2.0 version of IRCAI - and 2.0 versions of every 13 UN university and UNSSC staff colleges toboot showing off back from the future digital roadmaps - and if we are to prevent the under 30s being extinction generation codes will need to be designed into the metaverse not yet seen in the nationsverse -
10**14 more tech since Von Neumann's first media briefing::
Friends20 would have been completely lost without last month's flatiron NY transmedia dialogues special thanks to hong kong's Jeanne Lim & singapore for uplinking womens common agenda in ways that match 16 briefings from the world's largest ngo partnerships legacy
who to learn AI with Ng (Ai-Fund) Fei-Fei Li ErikB Fu-Lee EuropeAI AISingapore 1; #AIforgood_UN (ITU) ; Naixus (UNU Japan-Slovenia ...) IRCAI Unseco :: AI Korea .. Sam Charrington : Linux Github ; Elon Musk ... ai at google
over at CA: Doerr's news -- 5 may 2022Sundar Pichai So inspiring to see this collaboration between Ann and John Doerr and?@Stanford to create a new school focused on sustainability. First new school in 70 years! Exciting opportunities for next generation of students!! a16z : state of crypto
NY's UN Hq also coms centre of eg forestry UNFF, and CPF host of wangari maathai award-curating where dev goals eopicentres are is complex to map - more soon but eg 2 food is mainloy rome WFP and Fao); Health WHO Geneva; Education overall UNESCO Paris but eg emergenmcy ed ECW & in emergency (youth in NY UNICEF -women and foundation PPP partnerships NY (started with billion dolar ted turner (cnn founder) donation
Coming soon twitter accounts helping code youth as sdg generation here are some twitter accounts that we hope musk's algorithms include in coding sustainability networking (nb think about last mile development - over 80% has been advanced by women not men)- over 70% of youth are in Asia..
let's do a round the world tour before we come back to more from USA
Bangladesh .... 30 womens' collab networks-one billion women - quarter of humans ending poverty applying the least carbon
alumni futures of Abed Bhai . 0.. 1 : main western partner Netherlands Global Climate Adaptation --- and adaptation exchange
Climate Global A B C .. Egypt cop27 Indonesia 22G20
Japan epicentre of how young musicians unite the world & UN SDG university Tokyo branches Belgium?Bruges Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS);Canada?Hamilton, Ontario Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) China?Macau, SAR Institute on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) Finland?Helsinki World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) Germany?Bonn UNU Vice-Rectorate in Europe (UNU-ViE) Germany?Bonn Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) Germany?Dresden Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) Ghana?Accra Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) Japan?Tokyo Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) Japan?Tokyo UNU Headquarters (UNU Centre – Tokyo) Malaysia?Kuala Lumpur International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) Malaysia?Putrajaya UNU Centre – Putrajaya Netherlands?Maastricht Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) Portugal?Guimar?es Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV) USA?New York Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) Venezuela?Caracas Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC); .....................................................................................................JAPAN also may 2022 launches nAIxus network main EU AI partner Slovenia's IRCAI
Korea S moral western partner Scotland = what if korea-us trusted each other? by Mi-Terry;; -- lots of heroic stuff from korea but also catastrophe with forbes 30 asia under 30 kwon - lessons for luna collapse needed by all -health's best & worst public servants?
Singapore start at or advanced manuf or innovation city - worth belonging : singaporeglobal; youtube of living in place where gov loves designing tech peoples need to commune round; among the best uni alumni transnational partnerships in the world and bophub with worldtoilet-(sdg6 sanitation) my favorite hubs owner through 20 years of editing hood hubs guide; wonderful collabs of LKU centre innovative cities
SE Asia/Asean continent
Thailand Translucia Meta T 08:10-08:35 PM Cathy Hackl New Entertainment and Beyond : Boundless Possibilities of Metaverse. D. Fox Harrell The Metaverse and the Avatar Dream: Social and Cultural Impacts of Virtual Identities. PP Pat Meta Me: Bio-Digital Symbiosis for Human Enhancement. Alain Chesnais Technology Roadmap: Envisioning the Scenarios for Metaverse Development.Jeanne Lim Better with AI: the Positive Future of How Human Interacts with Technology.....
.Jeremy Bailenson VR for the Better World (stanford steam labs): How Virtual Experience Transforms Empathy, Environmental Conservation, Education and Health. David Bray A Fireside Chat on how Metaverse Technologies can Improve Lives, Communities, and our Global Connections. Ashley Casovan Avoiding the Technology Pitfalls: Governing Principles for the Metaverse. Knot Saenawee Encoded Environment: How Computational Design Reimagine Architecture, Engineering and Construction through the Metaverse.Shajay Bhooshan The Metaverse and Urban Transformation: Participatory Architecture, Online and On Land
China Mainland Shanghai is cornerstone of NYU global university network with adu dhabi; zte is diamond sponsor of UN/ITU AIforGood -beijing national climate center - beijing china centre globalization
Philippines -check this diaspora collab out of London
South Pacific
New Zealand 1
All far south peoples 1
UAE -scale 360 with min of ai & climate, and weforum;; expo dubai explorer -expo pavillion to be repurposed as emirates airline ai innovation hub
Africa Deep Learning Indaba Shakir Mohamed
Zimbabwe & Neighbors camfed association: africa and the world's fastest growing peer to peer girls education network started in zimbabwe- it was yidan prize's first african prize winner and wise's 2nd
Med Sea Africa
50 small island nations
mexico - bioterra is a weforum botech pick - clean agriculture
Spanish Latin Am 1
Portuguese Latin Am
Scotland year 265 of Adam Smith's moral quest to find Europe becomes fight of our lives at world economic forum
UK -isn't space syntax great?
Poland - Listening to Lech Walesa Talk 1 2 at Warsaw's gathering of Nobel Peace Laureate gathering 1 in 2013 was one of the big lessons of my life. Two things had been essential in moving Polish dockers to boldly leap beyond USSR colonisation Gdansk - the moral support of the Pope; not telling those 40 up of the investment/sacrifice they would be making in the next generation. There would be a lot of unemployment as moscow had designed 90% of the shipping trade through Gdansk to depend on value chain logistics whi9ch it controled. Its amazing that no other country that the top-heavy Eu has embedded in Putin's energy markets listened to Waleska (worst of all norway's nobel judges who were to award their prize - green washing THE NOBEL OUT OF ANY RELEVANCE)- please note the laureates summit co-founded by Gorbachev and green club of rome are different networks from the pundits that award nobels-- today ashoka claims this polish foundation is helping sustain bot polish and ukrainan spirit as it looks as if western eu's political bigwigs havent learnt that much in the last 90 years let alone from 90 minutes with waleska
Finland 1
Latvia Labs
Estonia Ministry
4 of west's main se's- DC's Ashoka & Echoing Green' SF\s Skoll, Geneva's Schwab - are partnering at catalyst2030
Netherlands and Nordica & Greenland & Iceland
switzerland endorsed by weforum 1 trillion tree led by and expert copuncil - also weforum has assembled iver 400 youth hubs - how to curate these?
UK london deepmind bbc-nature ashden worldviewimpact cambridge arm(ai).. arm tlists .. renata ts4 @okfn
Russia old world's roof - largest carbon resource
Canada new world's ice roof (with Alaska 2nd largest carbon resources) 1 ...vancouver's riipen comes recommended for summary international placements of college students; iisd manitoba canada edits earth negotiation bulletin eg this may 2022 update on state of world's forestry
Arctic Circle peoples & Far North 1
inside the beltway - how babies became may's victim imo jim kim's biggest mistake was not helping these young medical/health graduates turn their action learning into a mooc while he/they were peak influencers circa 2015 -wasting youth's 21st C -the cluetrain:- the bush years ; the obama years 1 ; the trump yeras; the biden
maths labs interest me- this from san jose not that much different as tutor space from that i worked in U of Leeds 1973 m- see also hi tech hi & khan ac discussion with Twiml and more charrington/twiml eg codex openai - good to see khan ac now does articles
va preventing future pandemics neil vora's advice out of conservation va looks sensible
Friends of UN need Hunicorns not Unicorns (origin CA A Lee)- ie networks with intergeneration sdg purpose - however a lot can be learnt from todays' 1066 unicorns including why so few in Europe? relatively why so many in Israel? Failory
HK sensetime
beijing-linkedin : 4paradigm
toronto : ada
CA: databricks scale ; gong
IL: Tempuslabs
PA: Argo
codes goes weird - we are glad to see arts markets but be careful what you buy on the open sea! world firsts are a dime a dozen unless ..
we have no advice on coins - other than start with projects you believe in and see if they side with the same coin aims to excanage worldwide tours of 20 people – 10 from the last 60 yeasr eg Guterres , Fazle Abed. Linux Torvualds, Deming, Larry Brilliant, Middle East Toyota Foundation (Abdul Latif)?the collaboration of 3 royal families Dutch-UK-Japan, Lee Kuan Yew, David Attenborough ,,,- whose alumni have advanced the human lot everywhere;
?we love to exchnage tours – whose collaboratiuons have exponentially sustained the most out of nature’s deiversity or tech wizardry cultutally accomplished youth in places you love most?
============adendum weforum tech [pioneers 2022-we'll add in to country listings as time permitrs
The World Economic Forum today welcomes 100 innovative tech firms to its Technology Pioneers community. Full of young and growing tech companies, the 2022 cohort is forging new paths in healthcare, food production and more with cutting-edge technologies.
This year’s intake includes?Emerge, which is improving virtual interactions through a device that gives a tactile effect to users at virtual gatherings.?Ampd Energy?is reshaping the construction industry by pioneering battery energy storage systems, and?Alife?is supporting healthcare advances by using artificial intelligence to improve the success rate of in-vitro fertilization.
For the first time ever, more than one-third of the selected firms are led by women, which is well above the?industry average. The 2022 Tech Pioneers are based in 30 countries – with Viet Nam, Rwanda and the Czech Republic represented for the first time – and this year’s cohort is shaping industries around the world.
Who are the World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers?
In Mexico, for example,?microTERRA?builds on-site water treatment systems with microalgae that transform wastewater into a sustainable protein source and clean water. Luxembourg’s?Mission Space?has developed a satellite-based space weather intelligence system. In the United States,?Bonumose?is transforming global food systems with its technology to support the affordable production of healthy alternative sugars such as tagatose and allulose.
Following their selection as Technology Pioneers, this year’s companies will join an impressive group of alumni that include many household names, such as Airbnb, Google, Kickstarter, Mozilla, Spotify, TransferWise, Twitter and Wikimedia.
Have you read?
The 2022 Technology Pioneers include:
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East and North Africa
North America
week starting may 23
America’s Seed Fund Startup Expo presents entrepreneurs with technology developed through the Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs an opportunity to showcase their innovative ventures to leading members of the broader innovation and investment ecosystem and the American Public.?
Join for moderated conversations about the future of critical and emerging technologies in:?
=====lot from itu/un today, may 26 video?speakers footnoted
announcement of itu annual kaleidoscope academic summit in december - immersive reality and metaverse
video track entries to early october?Video Demonstration Track
papers deadline june 20??
also itu year round journal wants metaverse content?ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET)
also there is a youth competition virtual experiences promoting sdgs in conjunction with exponential destiny??Metaverse 2030: Experiencing the SDGs in virtual reality - ITU Hub
today's video
GVDealer: Trusted GV Seller in CHINA
2 年i am google voice seller
2 年I'm interested to come to any DLI institutes in Ontario for studies. If there are any sponsorships i?l appreciate it even if is to pay back while studying and working there or after graduation. Thanks year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
2 年Scots best future - united celts takeover by Ireland & Nordica? not the bbc news? adam smith alumni after 250th keynote on moral sentiments??- restore transparency let alone morality & common sense let people hire open society economists- pilot through 22-23??scots & irish to max team entries ppp un2 digital roadmapping benchmark for govtech place brands? although owned by peoples bbc hasnt represented our exponential interests since 1945--worse since 2001 bbc america unsustainably racist to asian women entrepreneurs opposing fake media & bureaucratics , scots can lead english speaking world service 3.0 on green metaverse ask ireland's edu institutions lead collabs? scotlands 2nd best option launch crypto pound- after all scotland innovated engines & open sourced IP ITS OK folks- scots= other nations joke -not a nation by Un or EU -?- 50 years before we invented engines 1760, a few scots started 18th C trying to dig panama canal- they bust scotland- england hostile - making scots early colony scots Like 100 times more tech since 1945 shared under 35s- eg nft for new education year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
2 年 - final edition - we are aiming to publish this by september 2023 which would have been my father Norman's 100th birthday: our first future history debating would millennials be the first sustainability or extinction generation was published in 1984. Dad met Von Neumann at Princeton 1951 while seconded to New York for a year by The Economist. Neumann inspired father to train peer journalists to ask leaders what would they do with 100 times more tech per decade. This turned The Economist from a 3rd ranked UK weekly to one of a kind global viewspaper. Parallel collaboration projects are piloting AI Hall of Fame with friends and biographers of Von Neumann file notes from 16 Bangladesh meetings with Fazle Abed on the collaboration legacy of billion poorest women, and can a favorite use of the metaverse map and AI curate SDG action networks. Is there someone at your office I could share info with? chris macrae bethesda [email protected]