CODE.ORG Hour of Code Tutorial Sessions at HOPE HOUSE
Natalie Williams
Chief at Native Incorporated - NAT Geodesics - Domes For The People - Head Mistress to S T E A M Institute New York has prepared a number of interesting programs, projects and apps designed to teach Computer Science to everyone! Anyone interested in learning more about computer coding may go through these exercises with them during the week long celebration called 'An Hour of Code'. Thousands of Volunteers NationWide are participating.
You can participate on your own by going directly to the website; but I will be here for you if you would like some help.
Informal coaching will occur at the Utica New York Hope House on December 5th through December 9, 2022. Ms. Natalie Williams will be guiding you. The Hope House [ at 112 South Street, in the CornHill section of Utica, NY ] offers free meals to the community. You are welcome to meet with me in small groups after lunch ( at noon ) and before dinner ( at 4 pm).
Monday - Basic introductions and photos. A glance at the front page of the 'Hour of Code' website.
Tuesday - Looking more deeply at the Code dot org Hour of Code Website; choosing what is interesting to you, playing with the programs, and having fun. Consider how you might apply these principles toward building your own computer programs or apps.
Wednesday Plan - The participants will direct what we will do next, depending on their knowledge & interest. Perhaps, coding & building programs for their own use.
Thursday Plan - Ditto
Friday - Ditto
? Natalie M. Williams December 9, 2022