The Code in Your Application Can Become a Gateway for an Adversary in the Future!

The Code in Your Application Can Become a Gateway for an Adversary in the Future!

Writing hundreds of lines of code to build an application is like a mountain to climb. It’s hard, which is why platforms like GitHub have become invaluable platforms for developers to collaborate, control versions, and share code.

Unfortunately, cybercriminals know this and create fake repositories with names similar to trusted ones, which tricks developers into downloading malicious code to build their applications, which may become the cause of breaches in the future.

It has been reported that over 100,000 repositories in Github have been infected with malware.

This is not to suggest that GitHub isn’t trying hard to stomp them out. Their automatic security mechanisms are weeding out the majority of the fake ones. But still, some do slip through the cracks.

Keeping your code secure while building the application has become the need of the hour.

Invinsense DevSecOps integrates with your development ecosystem and protects the build and deploy phases of your application. It comes with the following functions:

Source Code Review: Continuously examine your software code to identify and resolve security vulnerabilities and bugs. Ensure the code adheres to best practices and coding standards.

Software Supply Chain Security: Protect the components, processes, and vendors involved in software development and delivery from vulnerabilities and malicious activities.

Software Composition Analysis: Identify and manage open-source and third-party components within an application and scan for known vulnerabilities and licensing issues. Keep dependencies secure and up-to-date.

Secret Scanning: Detect sensitive information like API keys and passwords within code repositories and configuration files to prevent accidental exposure. Maintain the confidentiality and security of your sensitive data by preventing unauthorized access.

SBOM (Software Bill of Materials): Get an inventory of all components, libraries, and dependencies in a software application, detailing their origins and versions for vulnerability management. Track and manage software elements, ensuring compliance and security of third-party software.

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing): Evaluate the security of a running application by simulating attacks and analyzing responses to identify vulnerabilities. Uncover issues like cross-site scripting and SQL injection that can be exploited in a live environment.

SAST (Static Application Security Testing): Analyze source code or binaries to identify security vulnerabilities without executing the program. Detects issues such as buffer overflows and improper input validation early in the development lifecycle.

IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing): Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) combines SAST and DAST by monitoring an application during runtime to provide real-time insights into security vulnerabilities. Get detailed diagnostics and actionable results, improving security by continuously analyzing code behavior.

Provision of Cloud Resources: Provide cloud resources utilizing IaC tools like Terraform, Ansible, Google Cloud Deployment Manager, Azure Resource Manager, AWS CDK, AWS CloudFormation, etc.

Regular Scans: Regular scanning of infrastructure utilizing infrastructure security scanners like Terraform Sentinel, AWS Config Rules, Azure Policy, etc., to check for security compliance and IaC code for utilizing tools like Terrascan, Checkov, etc.

Well-Architected Framework: Continuous implementation of best practices and guidance for designing and operating a reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective well-architected framework in your cloud environment.

Lastly, Invinsense DevSecOps goes one step ahead by not only focusing on finding different types of vulnerabilities but also patching them out.



