Code of the West: Living Your Life with Integrity
Regardless of whether you are a CowBOY, CowGIRL, or lil' CowPOKE, the 10 Principles of the Code of the West/Cowboy Code are a good reminder of how to live your life (personally and professionally) if living a life with Integrity is important to you. I hope it is!
10) Know where to draw the line
9) Remember that some things aren't for sale
8) Talk less, say more
7) Ride for the brand (I.e. loyalty to the people in your life and the land that you live on/in)
6) Keep your promises
5) Be tough, but be fair
4) Do what has to be done
3) Always finish what you start
2) Take pride in your work
1) Live each day with courage
These are tenets that all of us can live by regardless of race, color, creed, gender, political affiliation, sexual orientation, national origin, or age. These tenets represent what most of us would agree would be a person of good character or a person of Integrity!
"You don't have to always be right but you can ALWAYS do the right thing!" - Tom Polak (I thought this quote was familiar when it popped into my head but when I checked online I couldn't find this quote anywhere so I am now claiming it as my own)
I'm not on a soap box here. I am not suggesting to you how you should live your life but I am suggesting to you that you simply reflect on a past moment of Integrity and how it made you feel (This is simply a suggestion of practice in mindfulness and self-improvement, should you be interested). If you cannot remember a moment in time, just be mindful of a moment of Integrity the next time you have the opportunity to do the right or wrong thing. Should you pick the path, hopefully most travelled, and do the right thing I can assure you that you will have a sense of empowerment and good feelings, not regret. Integrity is a choice and a lifestyle that is positive for you, the people you come in contact with, the people you love, and the world you live in. As they say, and I'm paraphrasing here, It ain't always easy but anything worth having/doing never is.
#Integrity #Honor #Loyalty #Courage #Kind #Thoughtful #Confident #Assertive #ToughButFair #Heroic #Accountable #Dependable #Pride #AlwaysDoTheRightThing