Code Readability
This week, I read an article by Max Kanat-Alexander, discussing the readability of code ( The article spoke to the idea that a large part in writing readable code is spacing. I can see how that can be true. Also, according to Max, another way to make readability present in code is to use proper naming conventions. Naming things with readability in mind goes a long way.
It is understandable why proper spacing makes a big difference in the readability of code. When I am reading a book, I prefer that book to have bigger spaces in between the lines. This results in a more smooth and enjoyable read. This also applies to code. I have read spaced out code and I have also read code bunched together and every time, I will choose the spaced out code over the bunched together. Reading someone else’s code is already difficult because you aren’t necessarily familiar with their habits. Writing code bunched together and not spaced out just results in another layer of unnecessary difficulty that is a waste of time.
Another aspect of readability that Max talks about is naming. Naming your variables and functions after the purpose that they serve is incredibly important. When someone else is looking at your code, it is essential that they are able to piece together what does what in the code and naming conventions help to expedite that investigative aspect of programming. I personally have worked on projects where variables were incredibly vague and figuring out what those variables meant and what purpose they served was an obstacle in the workflow of the project.
Overall, the importance of readability cannot be overstated because it is something that affects the time management and progress of a project.