Code Clan Week 8/9 - Java Script Project
Ok... I'm still chasing my tail a bit from being off so this is a double whammy!! but, good news is that I finally feel much better and back to normal! (yay) so lets not hope for that to happen again any time soon.
so week 8 was working through building a web application from back end to front end. creating a database to store information to create a bucket-list app where you can add goals and delete goals or mark as completed .
I found it really great fun, even though this was peak illness day it really helped prepare me for building my own application.
Due to being off (have i mentioned that?), I have done the JavaScript Project on my own rather than a group project. Pros and Cons to this decision, Pro's being I really get to fully build my own application from start to end and get a deeper understanding of JavaScript, Cons... I'm missing out working in a group dynamic, but to be honest, being mentally drained and physically drained, it was the best option for me. We pair programme most labs and we still have the Java Project to go so I'll get to experience all that during that project so I'm not missing out on too much. although, the group I was initially with have a really cool app so I'm slightly jealous.
So as i've mentioned many a time... being sick during projects has been quite an inconvenience, so to honour that, my project is named
"Understanding JavaScript or Die Tryin' ".
The selection of briefs were quite broad so we really could do anything. I decided on an Educational Application that uses my own API to show information on the effects of different colours. Colours was a good option to use as an API as all basic colours like blue, green and red all affect us psychologically in different ways. In my own API i decided to put the name, the symbolism of each colour, the psychological affect of each colour, what brands use that specific colour in their logo, a random fact and a colour value. all for Red Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Brown, White, Gray, and Black.
It will have a chart to show what colour is the nations favourite, it will display the information on click and render from a nested view the information on the colour selected which was my MVP.
I think I've weirdly understood more Back End JavaScript rather than the front end.. I thought my skills were more imbedded in front end development but it's the area that I struggled most with in this project. regardless, it was still more fun.
Initial Step was creating the API!
and tested in insomnia to make sure the restful routes were working. All I needed for my project was get all method and get all by ID as I wasn't creating or updating any information. I think due to this being super similar to Ruby, I remembered it! (its actually staying in my head, win!)
heres a closer look at the information created.
With the back end done, it was on to the front end!
My goal for the front end was to use nested views to render the information to get practice on this as well as practice using PubSub channels to send information. Ive found that I struggled most with rendering information to the page.
Once I managed to render the information on the page, this is what It looked like. this was rendering the first item in my colour object. then i slowly started to render each item about the colour
the next step was creating the colour box, which initially I rendered in the css file, but I needed this to be created dynamically for every colour.
I think all projects can sound a bit overwhelming at first. If I said to myself i'm going to go build a web page with this functionality, It sounds like a HUGE job. but breaking things down into the most basic of things first really helped. for example, creating the colour box, first I created the box and rendered on the page, then I created a box using for each so for every colour rendered, a box would be made, then i set the colour of the box to the colour value in the API. This way of thinking really helped me understand what I was coding.
I was given the opportunity to miss out on presentations as I was working on my own, but I was pretty much prepared and all presentations are practice so I asked if I could take part. as soon as I asked I got extremely nervous! doing a presentation in front of your own class is fine cause now, really were just one big VERY tired family, but doing it in front of other lecturers and other classes I kind of froze at the start, AWKWARD! but after that, it flew by and I think i did a great job! as good a job as I could have given the circumstances!
Again, I just want to highlight the AMAZING support that you get from Code Clan. While I was off I was really stressed that I'd fall behind, That I would be letting a lot of people who invested their time on me down, my instructors, my project mates, class mates, all while not have eaten for 2 days, couldn't drink , not slept due to pain, then being high as a kite on a lot of pain killers, I still managed to create a project that I am proud of, It may not be the most advanced project but Its leagues above what I thought I'd create and thats all down to the awesome support from Everyone at Code Clan!
next time - id appreciate it more if my illness could have fallen on a different week and not project week...
cant Believe I'm writing this but on to week 10!!
.NET Software developer
6 年Love that js project name!