Code Clan Week 6
Hello world.... no... JavaScript!
I cannot believe I have completed my first project. After sleeping all weekend and enjoying doing basically next to nothing... I can say I did enjoy learning Ruby. First 2 weeks... not so much... it was a hell of a change from my previous job, but I powered through and I am super duper DUPER proud of myself! now on to JavaScript
Day 1 - Introduction to JavaScript.
Well what we learned in the first 3 weeks of ruby (arrays loops ect) we learned in probably 3 hours of day 1 in JavaScript. Holy moly what a day its been! although I seem to be coping much better with the overload of information than I was when I first started the course
It was a long day and a lot of information to take in...
Day 2 - "Classes" in JavaScript
"Strictly speaking there is no class construct in JavaScript, although we can achieve something very similar using the constructor function pattern.
Constructor functions might look and behave slightly differently to a traditional class, but they allow us to achieve the same goal: creating objects"
This is something I really kind of struggled to get my head around. but we got to play with creating these "classes" with Scooby Doo Characters so It was actually a lot of fun!
Day 3 - Call Backs and Enumeration
A higher order function is a function that takes a function as an argument or returns a function.
A callback is a function that is passed to another function as an argument.
Enumeration methods example, map, filter and reduce are three commonly used enumeration methods on the Array prototype. They are similar to forEach, in that they take a callback and iterate over the array invoking the callback for each element, passing in the element, but they each have some extra inbuilt functionality.
after playing around with them and getting used to the layout, its actually understandable to me... ( wow i know)
Day 4 - Intro to Dom
I think today was my favourite day of the whole course to be honest! ( so far) Learning about the Document Object Model, node trees, methods and properties and learning how to inspect the DOM.
Manipulating the DOM i found really fun using the DEV tools!
I really like learning about how the back end as its something completely out of my comfort zone, but I do think Ive really enjoyed this week as its playing around with front end development.
Weekend Homework - create a front-end JavaScript application that allows users to input items and see them displayed in a list.
I decided to create a dog adoption agency where you can input information about a dog and click adopt on the individual animal which removes it from the list, or if you're like me... have the option to adopt ALL the dogs.... cause you know... I totally would adopt all dogs if I could!
I will still play around with the CSS but I am most proud of the individual adopt (delete) button as it was a little challenge we didnt cover in class! I did get a bit of help from the instructor on it but I managed to get it to work (with my good friend google)!
Overall I have really enjoyed Java Script so far! It was really challenging changing syntax overnight basically but even people who have been in the industry for years take a few days to get used to changing languages so I am not too worried about it!
Also this week Code Clan E22 Cohort graduated, YAY!! and Cohort E25 start on Monday!!! us E24's are no longer the newbies which is kind of scary... only 1 more graduation (E23) to go before It's my own graduation from Code Clan! eek...! The Graduation presentation was great! and to see how far they have come and I wish them all the best. For E25... welcome to the Rollercoaster
Bring on Week 7 for another big week!
IT INFOSEC at Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
6 年Code Clan sounds like a fantastic experience!