Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 8 July 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
?“Amerigo Vespucci” – stunning Italian tall ship with 26 traditional canvas sails in Port of Los Angeles
Pier Road rehabilitation connects Cape Porpoise in Kennebunkport, Maine, to Bickford Island
Sharks in East Coast waters – Tybee Island, Georgia – attacks in Florida - Massachusetts
·?????? Tybee Island:?
CCC approval given for multi-million-dollar 1.25-mile coastal trail connecting Morrow Bay & Cayucos
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North Carolina DEQ warning issued to Oak Island beachgoers to avoid pumped floodwaters in North Carolina
Latest episode in the on-going saga of the train tracks and the bluffs at Del Mar, California – alternate routes – California has already designated $300M for project planning & deign
Recognizing that coastal environment of Cape Cod is dynamic – using new technology to monitor
Perspective:? Optimistically suggesting that reforming landmark California Coastal Act could restore balance between housing & environment
Corpus Christi issues notice of potential impacts of Saharan Dust
Flying lots and lots of flags on the Jersey Shore
Two rare sea otters spotted near Cannon Beach in Oregon
Greece prosecutes Kazahk charter yacht passengers for “moral complicity in arson” for wildfire on Hydra Island
Studying sting ray behavior in California coastal waters
Rip currents can be deadly in US coastal waters
Sand boil develops on Main Beach on Gold Coast of Australia
New historical marker commemorating early colonization of North Carolia coastal region
Potential impact of tsunamis on structures
Growth of “green hydrogen” in Magallanes of Tierra del Fuego, Chile, poses high risk to bird sanctuaries & ecosystems – in general wind farms lack planning on gigantic scale
Damages to fishing fleet in Barbados from Hurricane Beryl