Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 6 January 2025
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
75% of coastal aquifers race escalating threat of saltwater intrusion as humans withdraw more & more fresh water – but humans are blaming it on “global warming”
Portions of Playa del Carmen, Mexico, are sinking – investigating causes
Indigenous people are first responders along coast of British Columbia
Update:? emergency dredging project at Indian River Inlet – estimated $15M for 380,000 cubic yards of sand with $10M phase scheduled for 2025 – not the first time this has happened to this barrier island
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Growing problem of abandoned vessels in some ports, harbours & marinas in Britain
Hoping artificial reef trial at C Y O’Connor Beach in Western Australia is a “solution” to natural erosion processes
Dalian Jinzhouwan International Airport located on a new 20 square km man-made island
20-year retrospective on the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
Environmental emergency declared in Peru after oil spill clean-up operations along coastline popular with tourists in Talara Province
Huge waves strike coastline of Peru – most ports closed – NO, these are not tsunamis but are wind-generated waves
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High rises on barrier island beachfront in Miami, Florida, continue to sink – bad decision to build there - predictable
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Plans unveiled for Aenaon Metropolitan Park cost estimated at 479M Euros – multipurpose urban park scheduled to open by 2028 in southern Athens
US CENTCOM forces executed precision strikes against Iranian-backed targets in Yemen – took out coastal radar & destroyed 7 cruise missiles
Anticipating lawsuits & questions for California Coastal Commission following partial collapse of Santa Cruz Wharf
Updates:? Plans to develop premier coastal tourism zone in Duqm, Oman
Heal the Ocean files appeal with California Coastal Commission to halt Rosewood Miramar Beach luxury hotel in Montecito