Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 31 January 2022

Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 31 January 2022

Manatees finally hungry enough to eat romaine lettuce



$38M allocated in futile efforts to slow erosion on two Chesapeake Bay islands – estimated $1.7B over 30 years

High tech submarine cables are threat to national security



Port of Nome, Alaska, to receive $250M for future construction for Deep Draft Port



“Crystal Symphony” cruise ship with 400 crew & 300 passengers diverts to the Bahama to avoid arrest warrant




1.7 km of tunnels to be built beneath Sydney Harbour – Western Harbour Tunnel



Norfolk, Virginia, promised $249M to strengthen port & water supply chains & resilience



Potential use of offshore wind farms for sequestering CO2



Anticipating algal bloom crisis will get worse in Florida




Government promises $B to improve ports across the country – is the check in the mail?



Galapagos & Costa Rica creating “Ocean Highway” migratory route for marine life



Monitoring to find “tipping point” for coastal wetlands



SW coastal Louisiana project receives $125M to provide non-structural hurricane reduction measures



Coastal cities in China competing for distant-water catch – supported by subsidies



San Clemente, California, bans e-bikes on beach, pier & coastal trails



Update:?California Coastal Commission wins appeal to stop private seawalls for two beachfront houses



Red knots & northern gannets highlight Christmas bird count on Ocracoke Island



Conflict between community-level activism & policy making regarding coastal flooding in Boston Harbor



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