Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 30 September 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Hyundai water use – seeking permits to withdraw 6.625 Million gallons per day from Floridan aquifer along with $2.1 Billion in tax deferments, subsidized construction costs – refuses to disclose details of “industry trade secrets” on water use
Atolls are not permanent features but humans live on them regardless of natural processes that limit accretion – Tuvalu is less than 2 meters in elevation but the 9 atolls are occupied by 11,000 people – futility of constructing sea walls & barriers
·?????? Understanding atolls:?
US F&W proposes expanding habitat protections for ailing Florida manatees
16 MW floating solar project in Guangdong Province, China, appears to have survived the onslaught of Super Typhoon Capricorn
Meso- and Micro-plastics along the coastline of Germany
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Re-establishing oyster filtration reefs to reduce waste streams
Proposed $1.35B Woodland Biofuels plant at Port of South Louisiana
Capitola Wharf reopened after storm damage repairs
Residents plagued with unexplained & acute illness associated with pollution in Tijuana River in Southern California – who is really responsible for cause and remediation?
Removal of human marine debris benefits endangered Hawaiian monk seals * other marine life
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Coastal resilience & sea level rise workshop report
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A semi-truck full of lithium-ion batteries is burning & shut down ports of Los Angeles & Long Beach