Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 15 July 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Migratory birds face habitat loss due to development, predation & human disturbance on Harbor Islands of NY
Louisiana wants to line its entire Gulf shore with segmented rocks – geology and natural forces limit effectiveness – not consistent with state “science-based” Coastal Master Plan
Philippines receives coastal surveillance radar system from Japan under Official Security Assistance
Homeless forced out of encampments in woods along Coastal Highway in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Population of Pilosocereus millspaughii tree cactus declining in Key Largo due to habitat destruction due to development, saltwater intrusion, hurricanes, soil depletion & herbivores – 6 salvaged for cultivation
Daiichi Meta Maru launching ceremony – coastal tanker uses methanol fuel and automated handling systems
Rising construction costs causing an average 15% increase in coastal home insurance premiums in Maine
Deaths of federal listed sea turtles in canal leading to Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant cooling system intake prompted govern review – one turtle transferred to Rescue & Rehabilitation Center
North Carolina DEQ Division of Coastal Management accepting public comments on proposed NOAA amendments to North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Rule
·?????? Proposed Amendment links:?
Hurricanes prune mangroves in Gulf of Mexico – down tallest trees & stunt growth of others
Complicated explanation of who has access to coastal areas of Nova Scotia
Model quantifies polar amplification of global climate variability caused by Milankovitch cycles during hyper-thermals - Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (~56 Ma) & Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (~54 Ma)
·?????? Paper:??
Status of pending, under construction, cancelled & not yet in commercial operation US offshore wind farms – 30% cancelled
Court ruling could permit construction of new reservoir to feed water into Panama Canal locks
Cleaning up Narragansett Bay
Centuries-old traditional whale hunt in Faroe Islands versus animal rights activists
Caution:? dig safely when building sand castles – collapsing sand holes can be deadly
Impacts of stormy weather in Cape Town region of South Africa – maritime rescue & carbo ship abandonment
Construction slated to begin on first phase of $2.3B South Shore of Staten Island (SSSI) project to add interior drainage areas, seawalls & other stormwater infrastructure