Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 1 Mayl 2023
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Rising costs & supply chain bottlenecks limiting launch of turbines for offshore floating wind projects
A “Roomba for coastal waterways” is an autonomous robot for salt or freshwater cleanup
Limited docking options for private vessels in Dry Tortugas National Park
Zoning Commission recommends new zoning category for Ascension Parish – 5-acre lots
?Monitoring of trace metals and impacts on benthic community near Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant in south San Francisco Bay
· USGS OFR 2023-1017:
St Charles Parish sues FEMA over new system (Risk Rating 2.0) for flood insurance premiums – rates increased as they should since cost of FEMA flood insurance was undervalued
Bodies of people previously reported missing found dumped on beach near Cancun, Mexico
East Coast of US is subsiding – but media has to tout it as “sea-level rise” but coastal morphology (barrier islands, estuaries, etc.) indicates a long history of subsidence
· Paper:
Proposed legislation in Florida would eviscerate protections for historic building and districts in coastal areas
Protecting piping plovers as key indicators of coastal health in New York
Washington F&W calls coastal commercial troll Chinook fishery “sustainable”
10 “best” annual coastal festivals and events
Full-color ecosystem portraits from Indiana Lake Michigan Coastal Program – poster campaign
Gumbo Limbo Coastal Stewards to fully oversee sea turtle rehab program in West Palm Beach, Florida (video)
US Army COE conducting airborne coastal mapping surveys of the Hawaii Islands – visible green laser beams
Clean Cape Fear filed complaint with UN Human Rights Commission to stop upstream manufacturing company from expanding operations that would result in increased PFAS contamination of NC drinking water
Japan setting historic example for saving forests to protect coastal ecosystems
Legislation would replace Coastal Resources Management Council with more accountable and transparent department under executive branch in Rhode Island
Revolution Wind farm in Rhode Island – fewer 80-story high wind turbines but more conflict
US BLM invites public to “Celebrate the Coast”
FBI issues warning to American citizens to avoid travel to Haiti amid surge in violence
Mother & daughter attacked, beaten & robbed on beach at Tybee Island near Savannah, Georgia (video)
Another problem at new $1B Harbor Bridge in Corpus Christi, Texas – crane caught fire – two injured