A Coach's Life (On Tour)
A coach's life on tour is all about jumping in and being ready for anything. Day 4 started off as usual with lots of coffee and bike checks. Helping youth through the ABC check (air, brake, chain... and more)... And jumping in to fix what surprises may come. Quick releases flipped (how did that even happen), wheels out of true, derailleurs whacked out from 60 + miles of riding the day before... Or from the little gremlins that come at night and attack resting bikes. Next was jumping in with our Wilmington local cyclist to help navigate greenways, streets, and UNCW campus... all with 25 youth and adults following along. Out on the longer open road, next up is stretching the legs with some of the faster youth, getting them the opportunity to push themselves... Safely and without losing the larger group. Crank it back for some help of a cyclist super worried about the large bridge crossing over the cape fear river (a very imposing site). After some dancing, singing and other distractions, she cruised down the other side with a huge smile on her face. She could have jumped in the van or walked. Instead, she was awesome and super proud of herself (rightly so!). On to a great ferry ride and jumping in to quickly make some lunch wraps so we can et everyone enough calories to complete the remaining 30+ miles in the afternoon. The afternoon was back and forth racing to the front group to contain or push it or heading to pull and motivate for the group in the back. Throw in some neosporin spraying, hydration checking and a few too many (or not enough?) sweet teas... And that rounds out a day of coaching on tour. Oh wait, and also some swim lessons, laundry, great converstions on and off the bike... and some blogging. All and all a super great day. Off to bed!