Coaches whose primary focus is on themselves are doomed to fail!

Coaches whose primary focus is on themselves are doomed to fail!

The motivation behind this post was a post I saw yesterday which read.?


“Anyone else struggling to get to 10k a month”


For me this just demonstrated the entire image problem the coaching industry has due to its non-existent low bar to entry. Which has subsequently exploded during Covid.??


When someone talks like this, they are outwardly expressing the thoughts in their head when they are with a client whether prospective or actual.?


Their motives are clear. They are saying to their client you are worth xxxx to me. And not I am of value to you because I can solve your problem.?


Essentially people with this mindset are essentially snake oil salesmen as they are the entry level of the coaching species who are essentially operating as predators.?


Here’s how I learned this.?


When I was 22 years old, I joined the life insurance industry on commission only.?


Who was I selling for ???


I was selling for me.?


I’d be driving home after making a sale punching the air because I had made a sale and I had money in my pocket, and I struggled for years whilst operating under this mindset.?


I was an avid reader and seminar attendee, but my motives were how can I make more money for me.?


Then one day I read a book and watched a video by a man called Frank Bettger.?


In the video he got so excited about what life insurance could do for people. (Not himself ) he stood up and smashed the chair he was sitting on.?


In his book. How I raised myself from failure to success in selling.??he said something that would change life and my clients and myself.?


He said.?


“If you help enough other people get what they want you can have anything in life that you want”


The quote was accredited ever since to zig ziglar, but it actually came from Frank.?


This was the greatest gift I was ever given but as much for those I served as myself.?


As I never sold a life insurance policy for myself ever again.?


Within 12 months I ranked in the top one tenth of 1% in the world.?


There were two reasons for this.?


Firstly, I moved from metaphorically sitting opposite my clients in a battle of will part them from their money to sitting next to them.?


Looking out with them to use my knowledge to find the most suitable solution for them.?


The second reason was because they knew I was there in their best interests.?


People have a sixth sense, and they know why you are there.?


It reminds me of a parable in the bible where some man was making false claims to Jesus to get in his favour and Jesus said.?


You should stop speaking now for I can see your heart. {their intent)


When I listened to speakers talking about their sales success I used to think?


“I could never do that “?


But when I stopped selling for me and embraced bettgers words I could and did.?


At the time the average income for life insurance salesmen was £16000 per year and 4 sales per month.?


In May 2000 I made £83,313 in one month and 285’576?with 376 policies in force in the year 2000?


For as long as you are trying to sell coaching to get you to 10k a month people will continually see your heart and they will run a Mile.?


Sure, there are people like this that make a fortune but they never last.?


You’re sum total of value to your client is how effective you are at solving a problem they have.?


Not how adept you are at emptying their pockets.?


Personally, I don’t want to spend ten minutes with that person.?


Sure, make a fortune. But do it for them and you will get there a lot faster with your reputation intact.?


If you, can’t I suggest you get out of the coaching?industry and look for a job in the nearest used car sale lot.


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