Coaching is a Two-Way Approach
Eleni Tavla
Client Relationship Professional, Senior Recruiter, MA, MBA, PhD in Counseling Psychology.
Having accepted coaching as a truly beneficial method of success, I would like to make the following statement:
Coaching is a Two-Sided Process.
On the one hand, supervisors coach their teams so that they allow them to learn on the job. This is a very effective means of job learning!
Still, it is significant that coachees (teams, employees, learners) send their regular feedback evaluating if the coaching they receive is indeed effective or it needs changes.
There are some dual-band tools that allow such interaction, such as the 15five tool.
I admire companies that adopt coaching as a learning on-the-job tool. Still, I greatly admire companies that ask for feedback by the coachees on how they evaluate the coaching they get, by integrating formal tools that give such feedback.
It is a truly open-mindness to ask the feedback of employees on how they perceive the coaching they receive, how they are assisted, see what changes should be made on this coaching process and adjust their coaching accordingly.
Successful Coaching requires regular evaluation by members involved!