Coaching, putting into action the potential of the Leader.

Coaching, putting into action the potential of the Leader.

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Sharing what from my point of view is one of the most exciting business topics of today.

Lately, many leaders have realized the importance of this issue, but many of them do not know how to approach it either. In this installment, I will describe what Coaching is and the advantages that this represents for organizations and their Leaders. 

On the internet, it is easy to find some definitions of Coaching, so I will propose the following:

  • Coaching refers to an interactive process that allows a coach (Leader) to assist his coachee (the one who receives the coaching) to get the best of himself. The coach, therefore, helps people to reach a certain goal using their own skills and resources in the most effective way.

I clarify that there are several types of Coaching: sports, coercive, educational, occupational, executive, negotiation, ontological, etc. 

This time we will talk about how to put the potential of the Leader into action through Executive Coaching:

 It helps the coachee to process, manage, or direct their business area under their responsibility in a more responsible, sustainable, ethical, supportive, humanistic way and, consequently, more profitable, productive, and competitive. Executive Coaching consists of conversations or dialogues, through the relationship between questions and answers between two people, a coach and a coachee. In this process, the coach acts as a mere stimulator, indicates the path, and leads to the answer or a possible solution, but it is the coachee who must reach it himself. 

With this definition, then, we will refer to everything that involves the application of this tool, the times in which it must be applied and the benefits it will promote.

Organizations have their own identity which has been forged by the culture they have built over time, its members continuously show behaviors, some enhance the current culture and others act against it. In today's competitive environment, it is imperative for culture to evolve to survive, achieving a shared vision becomes crucial. The problem appears when you do not have the ability to identify in advance the new market trends, then and suddenly we are forced to adjust the current type of culture, some team members join the change immediately, but others show resistance, they refuse to give up the practices. or behaviors that they have accompanied for years and that in some way have given them comfort.

It is here where the top managers must clearly mark the new course and instruct the Leaders so that they are able to sow the seed that will help them to be victorious in these new scenarios, we understand the imperative need for the existence of a strategic communication plan where it declares the importance of making adjustments and inviting everyone to join this crusade.

Resistance to change demands that Leaders reach out to their collaborators, colleagues, etc. to dialogue and be able to provoke an honest and sincere reflection based on Coaching techniques. It is not an easy task, but as commented, we must put the issues on the table and start with a series of questions that provoke reflection in the Coachee so that they reach the conclusion of the importance of change and their contribution in this process.

The benefits of applying this tool in an effective way are more than clear. By making the consciences of our collaborators join the change, then we can accelerate the installation and benefits established by the strategy. In addition, we will teach the organization that the execution of intelligent dialogues positively impacts the effectiveness of communication in all directions. We could mention more benefits, but the reality is that the ones mentioned above are enough.

So, what are the basic recommendations for Leaders to put their potential into action?

  • Assess your Leaders' ability to coach.
  • Most of the time it is necessary to train our Leaders in this tool. Be careful when selecting the trainer, some of them handle the subject in a very theoretical way, what you need is a practical tool that effectively enables your Leaders.
  • Remember that this Coaching tool can also help you to uninstall unwanted behaviors in your collaborators or, on the contrary, to install desired behaviors.
  • This tool puts your Leaders to another level: It achieves more effective Communication, more transparent performance evaluations, better coordination between colleagues and between areas, etc. 

Thank you for your attention, I hope that this article leaves you a clear message and facilitates the way to apply Coaching techniques.

 Any questions or comments I will be happy to receive and answer.

 Remember that I am at your service in my email or phone.

 See you soon. 

 Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco

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