Coaching People Through Change
Graham Wilson
Awakening Possibility in Leaders and Teams to Deliver Extraordinary Results | Leadership Wizard | Thought Leader | Leadership Keynote Speaker | Author | Classic Race Car Driver
Here's a couple of thinking tools you can use as a leader to coach people through change.
The first one is a simple model of change showing the physical and emotional states that people are likely to go through when dealing with any kind of significant change mapped against the style of coaching required at different stages. It is based on a model originally developed in the 1960s by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and is now widely used as a method for helping people to understand their reactions to significant change or upheaval and move towards commitment.
It's also useful to be aware of the way different people respond to change. One of the approaches I teach to understand people's reaction to change is the work by David Rock and the SCARF model.
The second tool is a great tool to understand how we all react differently. The model describes five key areas of how we react based on our perceived threats and rewards. The five dimensions are:
- Status, which is about relative importance to others.
- Certainty, which concerns being able to predict the future.
- Autonomy, which provides people a sense of control over events.
- Relatedness, which is a sense of safety with others.
- Fairness, which is a perception of fair exchanges between people.
If the change is going to affect my Status and to me that is really important, I will accept it if it is a reward, or resist it if I perceive it as a threat. Status is about our sense of worth, it’s where we fit into the hierarchy at work both socially and organisationally. Status being impacted negatively can be a major issue as a leader as it is a significant driver of workplace behaviour. I've seen Sales People take a pay cut to keep the same car on the driveway. Status is clearly very important to them!
For some people certainty and clarity are important. This can be a major issue for some people coming to terms with our VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). Working with a lack of clarity, for people who need clarity, can increase a person’s stress levels and impair their ability to make effective, balanced decisions. They could feel overwhelmed.
Autonomy is a big motivator for some people as it gives a person a sense of control over what they do. Many Entrepreneurs and Business Owners have this as a high need. In this case a person’s brain will process the lack of autonomy as a threat situation and lead to resistance. On the flip side, being promised more autonomy actually activates the reward system in the brain and they will be less stressed.
We are tribal people, so for many, relatedness is important - we naturally form social groups and build relationships. These groups are about support, trust and collectively working together to overcome barriers and be more successful. Creating a strong bond and trust leads to the production of oxytocin, which increases the positive feeling of trust and stabilises these relationships. It helps build the team. If this is reduced then people resist, unless that isn't important to you.
And the last element is all about fairness. If we think something is unfair we automatically go into defence mode. If we think it is fair then we see that as a positive and are more likely to agree to the changes.
So as leaders understanding this model we can be more influential and successful at landing change - fast.
I have created a SCARF diagnostic template I use to help understand individuals. You can use it in a one to one situation or on your own as an empathy tool to try to understand someone else.
Where can I these models?
- Each person reacts differently to change and not all will experience every phase of the change curve. People also move through the phases at different speeds. Understanding this can help you to decide how and when to communicate information to individuals.
- It can assist you in considering what level of support someone requires.
- They are useful tools for individual and team change.
How do I use them?
You will not require any specific resources to use these tools – just an understanding of people's reactions of change using the SCARF diagnostic how you can manage each phase of the change curve.
At the first stage when there is a requirement for information, it is a good idea to give the individual as much information as you can about what the change is, and why it is taking place, what the benefits are for them and the business, when the change is happening and what the impact is for them.
Provide answers to their questions honestly and openly and help then to understand what’s in it for them. In the second stage they will need support. It is important to understand what support they require and provide this for them wherever possible. There maybe others within the business or outside that can provide this.
As they move through there will become a need to manage them through clear direction. This will be at the point where they start to accept the changes and they will be looking for clarity on new ways of working and the next steps for them as an individual. They will be finding ways to deal with the new reality and knowing what they need to do differently will help them.
The last phase requires involvement and encouragement. Involve them in the change as much as possible to make them feel a part of it. Encourage them to develop new, relevant skills that will benefit them.
I hope these help and let me know what you think and ho you have used them.
Every success,
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About the author
Graham is on a mission to change the way organisations are being led. His sole purpose is to awaken possibility in leaders to deliver extraordinary results. Called a Leadership Wizard by his clients, he is the founder of the award winning Successfactory, author of Leadership Laid Bare! and The New Leadership Manifesto. He is trusted by many of the best leaders and organisations around the world to develop their leaders.
You can contact Graham at [email protected]
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