Coaching isn't for everyone...
Image propety of FC Inter Milano

Coaching isn't for everyone...

Today I talked to a prospect on the phone, his business is doing great!

Doing great in one area, however, often has a negative impact on other areas of our life. The usual suspects are the relationships with the people we love the most and our health.

The main intend when we set off in our journey as High Achievers is usually "freedom"

"Freedom to do what we want, with who we want, when we want"

This quest for freedom has a price, for some the price will be higher than they bargained for

This particular prospect noticed his success was having a negative impact on these other areas and reached out for help. By the way, PROPS for doing that as especially for High Achievers this isn't an easy feet. (As High Achievers tend to want to fix it themselves and don’t ask help easily)

I've done it myself, and yes, I figured stuff out but it also cost me much more time than needed in hindsight. In all transparency there’s stuff we just can’t fix ourselves... I know, because I got help along the way as well...?

His question: Can you help with that?

After getting some more information from him we got to the pricing bit.

His first response, Are you for real? (He thought it was one of those American sales tactics where they drop the price like 80%)

“Yes, I’m for real …”

In his eyes it was very expensive, and I agree there was a time I would have said the same. I remember my first few investments in Personal Development at 1000 euro over 18 years ago as "wow that’s a lot".

Along the way I’ve invested a small fortune in myself flying all over the world to get coaching and mentoring from the best. (

Most people would call me crazy spending that kind of money… then again, my own results aren’t like most people anymore. The results my clients get because I’ve invested that time and money in myself to be able to do that isn’t either.

"Wow that’s expensive"

I admit it’s not easy hearing that without attaching it to our own self-worth...and starting to question ourselves. Even if we have proof of it's value.

Yet it has nothing to do with me, and everything with how the prospects see’s the world.

After analyzing the conversation, I was like, what could I’ve done differently? How can I make him see the value? I even justified it to myself by thinking he’s not ready yet .. he's not a fit.

And then it hit me I missed some of the signs ..

These red flags showed up:

  1. The question: "Can I do one session?" (Multiple fears going on here. What if this doesn’t work? What if I can’t do it)
  2. Starting to calculate the hourly rate (instead of looking at how is life will be different when the problem is fixed and what the value is of that)

Ask a sick person what they would pay for health and the answer is usually something like anything

That reminds me of the quote “what got you here, won’t get you there”
"to get a different result you need to do different things"

And yes, they will be uncomfortable until they become comfortable and that goes for money to.

Could I’ve done more to have him see what he can’t see yet?

Probably! Would it be enough …? Time will tell.

Did I learn something? Most certainly!

I was to focused on defending the value and not hearing the concern dropped earlier with the one session question among other things.

I was too busy with defense instead of serving … (lesson repeated, not learned YET) ??

I allowed the other person's perspective to doubt my own value, even if just for a brief second.

"The journey of serving others is only always to get out of our own way first"

Thank you for this mirror. Thank you for the lesson..


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