Coaching, fractional working and marketing frameworks...
It's been a while since the last Leader's Letter partly because it was holiday season, partly because I've been so busy (mainly because of holidays tbh).
I hope all has been well with you over the "summer" and you got some R&R in. It feels like there's real work to be done this Autumn for everyone I speak to.
In recent months, I've been working on the coaching side of my business. It's something that has grown out of my fractional CMO work and it's part of the role that I love doing.
Anyone can take advantage of a good coach. In general, coaching gives you:
It doesn't matter whether that coaching is personal or business, life-skills or CEO skills, coaching can have positive benefits.
The only time I've seen coaching not work is when the coach has been badly selected or when the person being coached isn't open to change.
Being open to change can make you feel vulnerable but a good coach will help you through that.
My thanks to Dan, co-founder of Squadify, who offered this recommendation on LinkedIn:
As a founder, it can be hard to find the expertise you need and when you do, it is often delivered in a way that does not fit your situation. Richard, on the other hand, really knows his stuff but he listens deeply to hear about your goals and situation and then offers balanced, practical advice. My meetings with Richard are moments of calm in a crazy world and times when I feel all the threads starting to come together to make sense. Highly recommended!
Find out more about my coaching for founders here
Fractional - a new way of working for start-ups and scale-ups
StartUps Magazine asked me to write this article on fractional as a new way of working - as every month passes, it feels like it is becoming a more accepted practice.
Does the world need another marketing framework?
I wrote this piece for Mentorcruise about my SOPE Framework.
TL/DR: Yes, but only if it's this one!
As ever, please do reach out if you want to catch-up! I'm always happy to have a chat about how I might be able to help you or your business achieve your growth ambitions.
Have a great October!
The world needs a better way, that empowers leaders to amplify earnings with flexibility and more ??