Coaching Blueprint: From $0 to $10k and beyond
Ashish Barui
1.1 Mn+ Followers (FB - 850k+ followers | YT- 300k subs) | Certified Meditation & Life Coach | Author(Beat Depression) | 400+ coached (May'23) | IIM-M
How to take your Coaching business from $0k to $10k and beyond
1. Get your 1st client
2 steps to get your 1st coaching client
Step 1: Choose a sub-niche:?
Example: Instead of saying, I am a life coach. Say I am a mindset coach for a football player (In a moment, you will start getting recognized as an expert)
Step 2: Price premium:
Nothing below $1000, for first 3 clients, It can be $500 but never go below that.
Step 3: Get the client through organic methods
Right now, 4 methods are working flawlessly
3.1 Direct outreach
3.2 FaceBook Outreach
3.3 LinkedIn Outreach
3.4 Instagram Outreach
Don't fall for this trap: Starting a podcast, YT long videos, Making websites, logos, funnels, email marketing and all other things. These things don't matter until you get to min $25k/month and fix all processes. So, 1st reach there, then start all these things. So many coaches are wasting years to perfect these things and then find that no one wants to buy their services. I have done this mistake, don't want you to make the same.
Regarding outreach, Send them a message - Simple message - Hey I am a mindset coach for football players. I help (your prospects) to reach from (current situation) to (desired situation). Will you be interested in a short conversation? If they say - Yes. Schedule a 5-10 min call for qualification purposes. If they qualify, ask them for 45 min discovery session.
Take a minimum of 25 discovery sessions before quitting or niche hopping. Do it. For 1st sale, it needs a minimum of 25 discovery sessions. Don't quit before that, please.
2. Get your 1st client an awesome result
3. Get a video testimonial
4. Repeat step 1 (this time with a testimonial)?
Get 5 clients and reach $10k/month (Assumption: You will obviously increase your price to at least $2k post getting your coachee awesome result)
5. What to do to reach more than 50k/month?:
1)Run Ads to get more clients on autopilot
2)Increase your coaching price and find celebrity clients who can pay $50k/year?
PS: I will make this article the most comprehensive article on going from $0 to $10k+/month. Ask questions in the comment section. I will answer/add solutions to the article.
PPS: If you want to start your coaching business from scratch or grow an existing coaching business. Direct Message me – “Coaching”. Let’s connect and empower more people.
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