Coaches & Therapists - Your Time is Now
Steve Blampied
Mindset Expert, helping professionals change their thoughts, feelings and behaviours & overcome stress, anxiety, overwhelm & burnout. Healing minds - Unlocking potential
If you’re a coach or therapist,
and you don’t currently have all the clients you need,
you should probably read this.
In fact I’ll go further…
if you’ve ever helped another human being with a problem,
without actually touching them,
you should probably read this.
And if you’re waiting for the world to get back to normal,
so you can get back to work,
you should DEFINITELY read this.
You see, I have some good news and some bad news.
The bad news?
The old world is gone.
That old world where you could run a face to face business,
safe in the knowledge that all your hard work was building a future for you and those you care about,
and that it was safe as long as you didn’t do anything stupid.
That evaporated for many people this year, didn’t it?
Many people, us included, found that they were not even allowed to open their doors for at least some of this year.
And with that came the realisation that things would never be the same again.
That security could never come back because if it can happen once it can happen again.
Luckily for us our business was a mixture of online and offline so we were able to quickly shift focus,
and move to a purely online model.
But many people struggled, and even now, months later are still unable to run their business.
And like I said, the world has changed...permanently.
Even once these businesses are able to open again many of their old clients and customers are now preferring to stay at home.
Sometimes due to fear of going out,
sometimes due to the massive increase of products and services now available from the comfort of their own home.
Coaches and therapists are now having to compete with people offering the same service online as they offer from their offices.
People paying office overheads competing with people working from home with zero overheads.
And clients are used to it now.
Those who used to prefer working face to face are increasingly going online because they were forced to, but now found out they like it.
This genie is not going back in the bottle.
And if you don’t adapt, you probably won’t be able to compete.
Enough of the bad news, here’s the Good News.
The old world is gone
The world has changed permanently.
People who used to prefer working face to face are increasingly
going online because they were forced to, but now found out they like it.
Your potential clients are used to this way of working now.
And once you FULLY embrace working online you have the entire world at your fingertips.
At exactly the moment in time where millions of people are experiencing never before seen levels of
People are suffering relationship problems because they’ve been locked in houses with people they were living with, but barely knew.
Others are finding that they’ve been furloughed, earning their salaries but with nothing to do, so their relationship with food and exercise has hit a rough spot.
Yet more have decided that they don’t like their careers, and want to re-train in something important.
Just about every coach, therapist, trainer, teacher,
almost every kind of person who works with clients
Now has an inexhaustible supply of clients,
all over the world,
just waiting for them to show up.
I keep saying this:
Coaches , Therapists, Educators,
Now Is Your Time
If you’re not taking advantage of this, you need to ask yourself why.
Maybe it’s the technology?
Maybe it’s overwhelm?
Maybe it’s fear?
Maybe it’s just not knowing where to start?
Or perhaps it’s just not knowing how to find the people who need you?
Whatever it is, if you don’t deal with it you’re going to be left behind.
So, here’s the deal.
If you don’t have enough clients right now,
If you now understand that you’re missing out.
I can help.
I’ve helped hundreds of people to do what you need to do.
Based on my own real world experience of working with clients almost exclusively online for several years.
I can show you the way.
I can help you take your offline business online and become successful in the “new world”.
If this resonates with you get in touch,
in strictest confidence of course,
and let’s talk about how you can make 2021 your best year yet.
You should probably get in touch soon, I have A LOT going on this year and you don't want to spend 2021 on my waiting list instead of helping the people who need you
Talk soon