The Coaches' Holy Grail
Sarah Short
Turning qualified coaches into well-paid professionals | ICF-Accredited Marketing Courses For Coaches | Mentoring | Straightforward, No Nonsense, Actionable Marketing Techniques | Prices from £3100 (inc VAT)
Having an inbox full of potential coaching clients is the key to having a coaching business that's emotionally and financially fulfilling, and it's perfectly attainable with Momentum, our bespoke 1:1 mentoring programme.
How Is What We Do Different?
Momentum, our mentoring programme, is bespoke. It's designed for you as an individual and a coach.
There are so many things on offer for coaches who want to find clients that any coach can be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed. How is a coach supposed to know where to turn for advice?
From the downloadable PDFs to free online courses, right the way through to paid group coaching, which is the best route for you as a coach?
To answer this question, let me ask you to think about your coaching clients. Who gets the best outcomes from working with you? Someone you chat to for an hour over coffee? Someone who has a formal hour-long free strategy session with you? People who work with you in groups?
Or actually, do your 1:1 clients get the best outcomes? The ones you can focus on completely and utterly?
It's obviously the latter, right? 1:1 will always deliver the best outcomes for the client. That's why we work the way we do.
Why Should You Work With Us?
- Because we're very, very good at what we do.
- Because our coaches succeed and the entire community - mentors and mentees - support one another to success too.
- Because you have someone to ask for help when you need it.
- Because you can also ask for help in the private members-only Facebook group.
- Because we meet face-to-face 3 times a year (and we don't charge hundreds of pounds to attend).
- Because we help with everything associated with running a coaching business, not just the marketing... (eg we've helped our coaches design coaching workshops, group coaching programmes, complete tenders etc ... I could go on)
- Because you have your very best chance of success by working with us.
Look At Our Results
Our testimonials speak volumes, each from a coach who is thrilled with what they've achieved with our help.
Here are a few examples
Our podcast show has several episodes that are dedicated to interviews with our clients and in which they describe their journey from desperate, too flourishing. You can find the show on your preferred podcast platform by searching for Coffee With The Coaching Revolutionaries, or by clicking here.
What's Holding You Back?
You've tried everything, right?
You've downloaded the PDFs and poured over them, you've taken the free online course only to find that to get the real value, there's a hefty price to pay. You've bought into online courses, but somehow, what they were teaching didn't speak to you - you probably lost interest part way through and didn't complete the course.
In short, you've spend money and don't have the outcome that was promised, so why would you pay us to help you? You're wondering if what we do is the very same thing again, in a different package...
It's not. I promise.
It's Not Your Fault
It's not your fault that you haven't been able to achieve your aim of an emotionally and financially viable coaching business. The odds were against you from the start. Remember, 82% of coaching businesses fail in the first 2 years...
Business development skills aren't taught in school. They are glanced at in coach training, but not in anywhere near enough detail. Even if your training provider taught a whole module on business development, it's not enough. Remember, your coaching skills are only 50% of the skills you need to create a successful coaching business. The other 50% are business development skills.
That's right! Without business development, you're missing a full half of the skills you need to succeed - and you've never been taught them in enough detail.
No wonder you're working so hard and yet not achieving your goals!
The Coaching Revolution is different from anything you've seen before. We're different from the free stuff; from the online 'gurus' and the 'proven marketing system' charlatans.
Our Common Enemy
The Coaching Revolution isn't like those fly-by-night companies that skin you financially and leave you feeling skint and foolish. Some of them sell you one thing, and when that doesn't work, they sell you something else with a promise that this time it will be different.
Those companies are our common enemy. They are the very antithesis of what we do.
In fact, we do what we do because our three founders saw countless victims of a company exactly like that.
Our core values are integrity, simplicity and expertise. You can find out more about who we are here. Our coaches remain with us for a very long time. Even when they finish the Momentum programme, they remain within our community, because they actively want to. They get huge value from that community.
If Not Now, Then When?
Procrastination is the thief of time. Shakespeare said that and he's right. Thinking, re-thinking and overthinking about taking action will never, ever beat just taking action.
There's always a reason why now isn't a good time, isn't there? Let's wait until after Christmas? Or after the New Year. Or may get Easter out of the way, or after the summer holiday period when somehow, we find ourselves back with the Christmas excuse and no closer to our goal of a successful coaching business.
There are 4 reasons why people procrastinate. The first is that they don't have a goal, one that is clearly defined and broken into milestones. The second is that they have an unclear focus; they can't quite see how to get where they want to, so they do nothing instead of simply taking the first step. The third is the lack of a written plan - crucial to success, providing what you've written is both actionable and actioned.
The fourth reason is a biggie; it's mind monkeys. Those pesky thoughts that tell you that you can't do this, that you'll fail, that you have been burnt before and you'll be burnt again. Let me say right now that just because you think these mind monkey thoughts doesn't mean that they are true! They are simply thoughts...
Think of those you've coached so far. You know what I've said is true, because you'll have seen it over and over again.
Taking action not only gets you to where you want to be, it feels good too. Having a purpose gets you up in the morning and keeps you going when things aren't quite what you hoped yet.
Our Clients Succeed
As we work 1:1 and because there are a good number of mentors with different skillsets, we can provide everything a coach needs to succeed. Our aim was to turn the global statistic of an 82% failure rate on its head and we're winning!
My role at The Coaching Revolution is to talk to coaches.
- I speak to dozens of coaches a month and I know how frustrating it can be to work so hard and fail so often.
- I understand the inclination to take one more qualification to increase the value you could offer to your clients without realising that one more qualification won't actually get you those clients.
- I absolutely understand the feeling of foolishness that coaches feel when, having been relieved of a chunky sum of money, end up with nothing.
In short, I completely understand the passion of coaches about the work they want to do, and their very real frustration at not being able to find clients who will pay them!
How Does Momentum Work?
This is the Momentum process:
- You speak to me. We chat for a while and we both decide if we are a good fit. There is no obligation on either side to commit to anything. If we do think we might be a good fit, I'll send you more information. If either of us doesn't think we fit well, we part on friendly terms.
- We chat again, to answer any remaining questions you might have, and you may be invited onto our Momentum programme.
- You're allocated a mentor and begin the process of creating your personal client-attracting
- You get to share in the private Facebook group, to come to our Monday Night Live sessions (online) and to attend our face-to-face events 3 times a year. All of these are icing on your Momentum cake.
- If you need specific help, we'll give you a session with a different mentor who can help with your specific issue. It's why there are so many mentors - we each teach the same thing, but have different knowledge and experience to offer too.
- You implement what you've learned and measure your outcomes.
- You tweak and measure, tweak and measure and you'll soon find people hopping into your inbox saying 'can we talk? I think you might be exactly what I'm looking for!'
- You rinse and repeat - and you'll understand exactly what that means for you.
Some of our clients go on to become mentors. This is something about which we are very proud indeed as it's truly the best endorsement of all. These mentors have learned, implemented, succeeded and feel so strongly that the support they had was crucial to that success, that they come back and help others achieve too.
How To Get Started
If you're reading this and you think you might like to understand exactly what Momentum would look like for you, we should talk. This is my diary.
We'll chat and see if we fit.
You Have NOTHING To Lose
Talking to me will cost you a little time. That's it. It's a free call and together we can look at your suitability for our programme.
You have nothing at all to lose, and just think that you could gain the coaching business of your dreams! What are you waiting for?