Coaches Cut Learning Time

Coaches Cut Learning Time

When I start a new endeavor, I much prefer someone to show and tell me what to do, rather than read the manual. My grandson is an exception. One year for Christmas we gave him a huge Lego Ocean Explorer building kit. Taking it out of the box, the first thing he did was pick up the instruction booklet and announce, “I love to read directions.” Good for him.

 Reading instructions and learning from books is essential to reaching your goals. But so is verbal and visual instruction, tips and techniques.

 Do you remember how thrilling it was to finally learn to stay upright on a bicycle and earn small degree of freedom? Obviously, you didn’t learn to ride a bike by reading Bike Riding for Dummies. You had a coach. Your dad, your mom, or an older sibling and you had to get on the bike and start peddling. This coach who held you upright until you learned to balance yourself was critical.

 Growing up, did you take piano lessons? Similar to riding a bike, you can’t learn to play the piano by just reading Piano for Dummies. You have to get up to the keyboard and thump out the notes that match what’s on the page of music and a music teacher, a coach, is critical.

 Another example where a coach is helpful is learning how to use new software. IT may have installed Outlook on your computer and told you how to send and receive email but you were left on your own to discover the many productivity features available in the software. You can read Outlook for Dummies which gives you in-depth information or choose to stumble around in Outlook, discovering productivity features by trial and error, but a coach can save you untold hours by zeroing in on your specific needs and answering your specific questions that match your job and work style.

 Leadership is similar. There are many excellent books on leadership and they point you in the right direction yet just like learning to ride a bicycle, play the piano, or learn Microsoft Outlook, a coach is essential to answering your specific questions and zeroing in on your specific strengths and limitations, helping you excel as a manager and leader.

 As a coach, I can help you:

  • Organize for productivity
  • Gain insight into different personalities
  • Assist you in increasing your emotional intelligence 
  • Build a team that gives discretionary effort on a regular basis

…all things that put you in the savvy leader category.

 Join me on Thursday, October 29th for 8 hours of coaching through November 19th. Together we will share 2 hours each week for the 4 week period. There is still time to register for this instruction and coaching that will get you ready for 2021 and make you a savvy leader.

 My focus is helping you become the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not have to follow because you are the “boss.” I do his through assessments and concepts from my book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort.

 I look forward to meeting you in the program.

Earn the Gift Management Certificate

Brandau Power Institute is offering virtual Earn The Gift certification starting on October 29. This certificate program is built on the book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort. The virtual training consists of 8 hours of training on Thursday mornings, starting on October 29 and finishing on November 19, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon.

Attend and bewilderment will change to confidence as you learn the secrets for refocusing and retooling the touchpoints with employees. You will learn how to:

  • Organically engage employees
  • Rationally align employees
  • Socially accept and include all employees

… and much, much more

This is the best investment you can make in your managerial career for 2021 and beyond.

Sign up now to get the Covid-19 discount.

About Karla

Karla Brandau is a 25-year veteran of the speaking and training industry. She offers DISC, Driving Forces and Emotional Intelligence assessments combined with training events and retreats.

The assessments are a component in her leadership development courses. Her book, “How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort,” positions her as a thought leader and expert in re-calibrating leadership for the 21st century and enables employees to give discretionary effort on a regular basis.

Her presentations help managers become the leader people CHOOSE to follow not HAVE to follow because of their place on the organization chart.

She has spoken for Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, BYD America, National Facilities Management and Technology Conference, US Poultry and Egg Association, the Mortgage Bankers Association, and the National Kitchen and Bath Association.  

Certifications include Certified Speaking Professional, Certified Facilitator, Registered Corporate Coach, Certified Professional Behaviors Analyst, Certified Professional Motivators Analyst, and EQi-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Facilitator

Visit to book a complimentary conversation with her.


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