Coaches Corner #19
Coaching Team Behavioral Strengths & Weaknesses

Coaches Corner #19 Coaching Team Behavioral Strengths & Weaknesses

Most coaches focus on an individual person as their client.??For many coaches, it’s difficult enough to be a good coach with one person at a time, let alone coach the dynamics of an entire team of people.??One of the benefits we have as Manage HR Magazine 2024 award winning Team Building Provider, is our team report.??That report gives us excellent information on each individual in the team, team behaviors,?and?numerous dynamics of the team.??We can literally put 100s of people in the same team report and see the dynamics and culture of entire organizations, divisions, departments, or smaller units.??Any of our assessment clients have access to the same reports we do.??We have team reports for team behaviors, team motivators (money is only one of many different motivators), and team stressors.???

Our team behaviors report, which looks at team strengths and weaknesses, is especially interesting.???It’s a kind of “Strength Finders” report for your team.???We divide the team into eight different behavioral configurations.???We use the DISC to describe their behavioral strengths and weaknesses.??Specific descriptors are Conductors (D), Persuaders (DI), Promoters (I), Relaters (IS), Supporters (S), Coordinators (SC), Analyzers (C), and Implementers (DC).??For each category, our report lists their strength, weaknesses, value members of that segment have to the organization, words that work with them, and words that do not work with each person in that segment.??

Imagine having that kind of information on everyone on the team as well as the team itself.??For example, what happens if one or more of those eight sections doesn’t have anyone in it from the team? Well, the strengths associated with that area are missing.??The weaknesses are missing too, but that is most likely a plus.

For example, let’s say our team has no one with the Coordinator (SC) behaviors.??The team will be less steady or conscientious (SC).??The team will be missing strengths such as setting and accomplishing goals to high standards, identifying and dealing with problems, and following projects through to their completion.??This team will lack the people who focus on getting a quality job actually completed and not just talked about.??Without them you would have a difficult time getting closure on projects.??

Different sets of strengths are associated with each of the eight key components measured by our team report.??After doing programs with 100’s of teams, we can safely say, using our DISC behaviors team report significantly adds to a coaches’ ability to coach individuals as well as the teams for which these individuals are members or leaders.??

Our DISC behaviors team report, our motivators team report, and our stress team report give us, and the coaches who have attended our DISC & Motivators Certification, a leg up over the competition.??They have team tools that give them guidance to do amazing things.


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