Coaches, Consultants, Experts: Are You Making These Mistakes In Your Online Business?

Coaches, Consultants, Experts: Are You Making These Mistakes In Your Online Business?

Let Me Save You From The Biggest Frustrations You’re Sure To Experience

I remember what it was like when I was first trying to start my online business. Everyone else made it look so easy. Seems like a lot of people on forums and even some of my friends had set up their website, created products, and started getting tons of buyers without any problems.

But not me.

I was always getting tripped up by all of the amateur tech questions and my lack of marketing know-how. And once I started to really pay attention to what others were doing, I soon learned that they were making those same mistakes.

Now, if you’re a total beginner in the world of digital marketing, I can almost guarantee that you’re already making these mistakes – or if not, then you’re going to be making them soon. And once you start making these mistakes, you’re gonna find out that building and marketing your online business is a time-consuming, expensive, and even painful process.

Unless, of course, you learn how to avoid these mistakes.

So forget about trial and error. Forget about learning this stuff through the school of hard knocks. Instead, learn from my mistakes and save yourself a lot of time, grief, and money. Read on…

Mistake #1: Thinking You Need A Website

Almost everyone I know who tries to start a business online ends up making this mistake. That’s because it’s a bit counter-intuitive. If you look at this from a logical standpoint, you may feel like you should be making your website before you ever do anything else. Turns out that’s wrong – you actually should be focusing on creating a sales funnel.

We’re well beyond the days when you need a home page, an about page, and a catalogue of products. Instead, your website should demonstrate the value you can bring to your prospects and offer a call-to-action that moves them through your sales process. This can be done on Wordpress or on a funnel-building software like Kartra.

Mistake #2: Getting Overly Techy To Save A Few Bucks

I made this mistake more times than I can count when I was starting out. I’ve been a client of MailChimp, Infusionsoft, Clickfunnels, Wordpress, Shopify… the list could go on forever. So let me save you from doing the same thing. Instead of going for the cheapest option or buying into the hype, pick one software that covers everything you need and be ready to spend a little bit more. If you have a tech guy, get everything done through Wordpress. If not, consider Kartra. (This is my favourite platform right now.)

Mistake #3: Building The Business You Want

Most people don’t understand what I mean when I tell them not to build the business that they want.

Isn’t that the whole point of working for myself?

Yes. And no.

Your business needs to live in a balance of doing the things that provide you with the most joy and giving your target audience what they actually want.

For example, I sometimes talk to people who want me to help them promote what they believe to be a genius idea. An innovation. Something that’s going to rock the world because it’s never been done before.

Here’s some unfortunate news: If it’s never been done before, it’s because the market for it doesn’t exist.

That’s why research is so crucial before ever running with an idea.

Some ideas just don’t work.

Mistake #4: Diving Into Facebook Ads Without Understanding How They Work

If you’ve ever felt like you were wasting money on Facebook ads when you were trying to promote your business online, then you were probably going into it thinking that you could figure it out on your own.

Facebook is a fickle beast, and a complicated one. Before you try launching your next campaign, contact someone who knows what they’re doing and ask for them to help you out.

Mistake #5: Expecting Quick & Easy Results

I’ve saved the best for last. That’s because every person I’ve met since starting my business believes that they can build a six-figure income in a matter of weeks with no money, no prior experience, no understanding of marketing, and no team to help them achieve it.

But the guy who wanted me to buy his $2,997 program told me that I could do it and he had a bunch of case-studies!

People who want to sell you things tell you what you want to hear. Surprise ??

I’m going to be real with you for a minute.

You’re not going to go from $0 to making $10,000/mo. in the next 12 weeks if you’re not ready to spend tons of money on ads and if you don’t have a huge marketing brain to direct your efforts.

What you should be doing instead is keeping your day-job or your one-on-one clients and working with someone who can give you personalized feedback as you trudge toward your goals.

That’s not a sexy sales pitch, is it?

But it’s what you need to hear.

It takes a lot of money and a lot of work to go from zero to hero.

And if you’re anything like any other normal human being, you don’t have 80 hours a week (on top of everything you’re already doing) to learn, implement, and test everything that needs to be done to create an online business that gives you the gift of freedom you so desperately desire.

I’m here to help with guidance if you want it – just send me an email by clicking here.

Otherwise, I wish you the best of luck.

You’re now armed with the knowledge that you didn’t have a few minutes ago, and you may find that it saves you lots of time, effort, and frustration.

So go out there and get it.


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