In today’s world the ability to be your own boss – to set up a company, banking, all the infrastructure – has never been easier.
When my children ask what I think they should do I will always reply: “Be an entrepreneur. Do what it takes to be captain of your own ship in whatever field you choose.”
Success in that will come down to their coachability – their ability to receive and convert impartial, well-meaning advice from others, formally or informally.
The ability to be coached is a skill to be learned like others but it is too often overlooked. I think it is essential that younger generations embrace this fully.
To get ahead you will need to be coachable. All the success you see and admire has this as its foundation.
You don’t often see what happens to those that never made themselves coachable, but I am sure it’s a story of unfulfilled potential (it very nearly was for me).
Go look for a coach / mentor / tutor now, don’t delay.
Couldn't agree more