Coach Kirby Captures Nine Leadership Principles Observed on  “Marvelous Marvin’s Love Buggy Island Tour”

Coach Kirby Captures Nine Leadership Principles Observed on “Marvelous Marvin’s Love Buggy Island Tour”

We had a great time on Marvelous Marvin's Love Buggy Island tour, and I’m excited to share nine leadership principles I saw at work in Marvin's business. I hope these are helpful to you this year.?

1. In every engagement with stakeholders, lead with the Mission.?

Marvin’s Mission is to give tourists an exhilarating adventure that’s safe. Marvin consistently reinforces the Mission in the bus ride from the resort to Marvin’s shop, during the safety brief, and throughout the excursion. He ensures that every team member knows the Mission and how their performance supports it.

At Liberty Classical Schools, our Mission is to form knowledgeable, virtuous citizens who are prepared to build happy lives full of meaning and purpose. We try our best to remove every other distraction.?

How are you ensuring that everyone on your team is clear on your organization’s mission?

2. Use enthusiasm, positivity, and humor to capture and hold your team’s attention.

Marvin delivers a pre-ride safety brief that maxes out these three attributes. His focus on the Mission, his zest for life, and his obvious concern for his team (the tourists on the trip), is engaging, motivating, and he keeps everyone focused on what’s most important…in this case, oncoming traffic!

3. Prioritize crystal-clear communications.

Marvin’s buggies are rigged with a communications system, and he is in constant contact with the team. He repeats a series of memorable slogans to keep everyone moving at the right pace and steering in the right place. He and Niko have a system for communicating with the traffic around us, as well.

Leaders, do you have a plan to deliver clear, consistent, encouraging internal and external communications in 2025??

4. Ensure every team member is aiming for the same target.

Marvin is a driving force of personality, but to achieve the Mission he relies heavily on his wife Patricia, his colleague Niko, and the team: tourists driving high-speed buggies for the first time. Patricia drives the bus and sets the tone for the day. Marvin and Niko bracket buggy drivers on their 4-wheelers in a well-coordinated dance, and they communicate constantly with drivers to make sure they stay on course.?

At Liberty Classical Schools and in my Bojangles’ operation, we use Entrepreneurs Operating System?? (EOS?) to make sure every team member is charging up the same hill.?

How do you do it?

5. In moments of crisis, tell the truth, over-communicate, and stay positive.

About halfway through the Buggy Tour, the drive belt on my daughter Lucy’s buggy broke, and her buggy came to a halt. Knowing his equipment intimately well, Marvin knew immediately what was wrong and what to do about it.? Without hesitation, he made sure Lucy was safe, briefed her Dad on the solution, and off we went. Minutes later, Patricia showed up with a new buggy, and the tour continued, as planned.?

There is no substitute for experience, and nothing beats knowing what to do. But in the midst of overcoming obstacles, it’s key to address matters head on, over-communicate,? and stay positive.

6. Memorialize great performances to build culture and tell the world what you do.

In 2025, we’re all accustomed to capturing images of performances, awards, etc. What’s less common is using these assets to the fullest. We need to remember that we’re going to get more of what we celebrate. I’ll confess, this is a big challenge for me, and one of my goals for the year is to more frequently celebrate the performances of my teams.

Marvin & Company took pictures throughout the excursion, and distributed them to us right away. He knew we’d enjoy preserving the memory and passing it along to others, as well.

Leaders, to what degree are you the chief cheerleader and story-teller in your organization??

7. Ask for a referral while the iron is hot.

Sales people know this well. When the customer is most happy, don’t wait! Ask him or her for the referral right now!?

At the end of Marvin’s tour, we were soaking wet from a rainstorm, but still smiling from the speed and exhilaration of the ride. Marvin made it easy for us to give a positive review on Google, TripAdvisor, etc., and many did it right on spot. Heck, I’m still talking about it…

In 2025, don’t be lazy or afraid: ask for the referral!

8. Remember: the captain is 100% responsible for everything that happens on the ship.

Of the characteristics I observed in Martin, this is my favorite!

During the tour, we stopped for lunch at Da Conch Shack, a local beach-front restaurant. While Marvin is not the owner of the restaurant, it was his tour, and he took 100% responsibility for our experience there.?

For those of us who have served in the U.S. armed forces, this principle is drummed into our heads early and often. In his book, “Extreme Ownership”, Jocko Willinck says, "On any team, in any organization all responsibility for success and failure rests with the leader". That’s hard preaching in the modern era when we’re quick to label scapegoats.? But isn’t it dissappointing to us when a leader takes less than 100% ownership?

What would be different in your organization in 2025 if you were to take 100% ownership of its performance, even in aspects that are outside of or “beneath” your immediate charge?

9. Do all that you do as unto the Lord.

This may not resonate for all, but I buy it 100%.?

Marvin is large and in charge, but he is not egotistical. In fact, there is a special warmth, joy, and humility about him, and I thought right away, “this is a man of faith”. His “I love Jesus” socks and the fact that he has risked his fortune on motorcycle rides for the general public were other clues…ha!

But I watched Marvin seconds before we headed into the traffic, and he bowed his head and offered a prayer that I think went something like this: “Dear Lord, Thank you for the opportunity to serve this team. I’ve done my best to prepare, but I’m trusting you to help us achieve the Mission. Help me honor you in my performance along the way. Amen.”

This prayer is a winner in 2025, and I’d encourage you to try it.?

Thanks for your attention. I hope you’ve found value in this list. I’d love to hear from you.

Rajiv Dinakaran

Franchisee Georgia foods LLC

1 个月

Loving the content Matthew! Let’s connect soon!

Strib Stribling

Extraordinary adventures for extraordinary lives.

1 个月

This is awesome. Well done Matthew

Brent High

Revenue generation expert focused on helping make an eternal difference

1 个月

This is gold Matthew Kirby. Glad to be part of your expanding huddle! The best is yet to come!


Hey Matt! Sounds like you and your family had a great holiday season. I hope all is well! As always, if I can ever be of assistance, never hesitate to call! Semper Fidelis, David

Jason Jones - Telecom, Energy and Real Estate

Helping clients navigate telecom, energy consumption and real estate.

1 个月

Well done, Matthew. Great lessons and a tribute to your gracious nature to help Marvin "spread the word" after a marvelous experience with your family. Trust you are well and continuing to "run a good race"!



