Coach and develop
Akash Jaiswal
Author of "Zero To Everyone" and Amazon Bestselling Book "I Too Can Create" | GTM Customer Success specializing in LEC at Synopsys Inc | Formality Project Lead
"My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better."?—?Steve Jobs
Continuous learning has been linked to several types of success, ranging from greater money to a prolonged lifetime. However, constant learning does not have to take place simply in classrooms and via textbooks. Coaching and mentoring are both widely acknowledged as extremely useful methods of learning, growing, and connecting. This applies to both those who coach and mentor and those who are coached or mentored.
The best way to become a better coach is through experience. You can learn from other coaches and get feedback on your own coaching. The more you coach, the more comfortable you'll be with it and the better results you'll see.
“You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself”?— Galileo Galilei
Creating a strong, collaborative team
● Create a collaborative environment. This is the most important part of building a strong, successful team. You have to create an environment where everyone can work together and get things done as efficiently as possible.
● Define roles and responsibilities for each member of your team, so that everyone knows what they're responsible for on any given day or project. Make sure you set goals for yourselves that make sense from both an individual standpoint (i.e., "I will be able to complete this task by tomorrow at noon") and a group perspective (i.e., "We need this project done by Monday").
● Increase communication between members of your team so that everyone knows exactly what's going on at all times—and how much progress has been made towards meeting those goals—so there are no surprises when deadlines come around!
"A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you."?— Bob Proctor
Coaching people toward their goals
● Ask questions to understand their goals.
● Help them identify their strengths and weaknesses.
● Set a plan to achieve their goals.
● Provide feedback on progress toward achieving those goals, including any obstacles you see along the way (such as procrastination).
● Celebrate success when it happens!
As a coach, it’s important to be flexible and adapt to the changing needs of your client. Remember that you’re not a therapist or counselor; you’re here to help them achieve their goals.
Staying connected with area CSMs
CSMs are an important part of your team, so it's important that you stay connected with them. You should make sure that you're keeping up with the CSMs in your area and other areas as well.
You can do this by:
● Talking about the progress of your team regularly, including any new members or changes made.
● Connecting with each individual member of the team on their own timeline (this may be more difficult when working remotely).
“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”?— John Crosby
Mentoring through collaboration
Mentoring is a two-way street. It’s not just about giving advice and guidance, but also about learning from others so that you can grow yourself.
Mentoring isn't just for managers; everyone has a mentor in their life who has helped them become better people—and what better way to build skills than with someone who's been there?
As a manager, you have the ability to mentor your employees. This can be a great way to get a better understanding of what they need and how they work best—and it can also help them succeed at their job.
Contributing to the growth of the department and industry
As a coach and developer, it’s important to share your knowledge, advice and expertise with others. This can be by teaching them how to do things better or providing them with new tools or resources that will help them achieve their goals. You can also help people by being an example of success yourself—by demonstrating what you know in a way that inspires others to follow suit.
In addition, as an industry leader (or part of one), it is important for coaches and developers like yourself to contribute positively towards industry growth by bringing new ideas into the fold.
As you cultivate a cohesive team and individual relationships with your CSMs, you are helping each member of your team become stronger.
As you cultivate a cohesive team and individual relationships with your CSMs, you are helping each member of your team become stronger. Mentoring is a two-way street: it's not just about giving advice or suggestions; it's also about listening to what they have to say. If there's something that needs to be changed in order for them to feel more confident at work or make more progress on their goals, then you should be open about it.
Coaching is also a two-way street—if someone isn't feeling supported by their manager or boss, they may feel like they don't have anyone who cares about them enough to help them get through tough times (or maybe even just give constructive feedback). Be supportive of your CSMs' efforts! Be patient with those who aren't always sure how best help others succeed at work (and remember: while everyone has different strengths). And when things go wrong in the office environment—whether due to miscommunication between coworkers or poor scheduling practices—make sure everyone knows where things stand so nobody gets left behind without support systems available when needed most
Advantage for organization
1. Prevents you from making an incorrect start.
2. Aids in tracking progress by defining the outcomes you want to achieve.
3. Allows you to make the most of their experience in improving your business for the better.
4. Assists you in approaching client experience more effectively.
5. Addresses organizational culture issues
When you combine the strengths of your team members and create a culture of collaboration, people will be more motivated and engaged. In turn, this helps them achieve their personal goals. Your CSMs will have more confidence in themselves and their abilities, which leads to greater success for all involved in the process.