c/o G?rdenfors: "Events and Causal Mappings Modeled in Conceptual Spaces"
Peter Jones
RMN, RGN, BA(Hons), PGCE, PG(Dip) COPE, MRES e-Research & TEL; Researcher & Blogger - Hodges Model
Personal circumstances mean that over the past decade I've given up on several memberships and hence the benefits that were to be had. The British Computer Society was invaluable, and I'm sure still is even at the 'Associate' level. In addition to the Nursing Specialist Group, the Expert Systems Group, Medical Informatics, SocioTechnical and a Methods group have proved an engrossing distraction and a more remote source of ongoing interest. I'm not sure if this is persistence, or stubbornness, but it surely qualifies as sustainable - as I hope this blog demonstrates.
Following the workshops in 2012, and 2016 on Conceptual Spaces I checked online for developments. Amongst the results a paper (added to Zotero):